Hogwarts Reading Challenge
Summer Reading Mini Challenge
Time Frame July 23rd to August 29th
So what do you have to do?
It is simple read at least 3 books from any Summer Reading List. Include the link(s) to the Summer Reading List(s) you chose to get your books from.
10 points for each book read and an extra 30 for completing the challenge.
Now here is where the big points come out.
You will receive an extra 15 points for every book over the minimum 3 books for the challenge. So if you read 4 books you will receive 30 points for the 3, 30 points for completing the challenge, and and extra 15 points for your 4th book.
But wait there's more! (LOL, I love that in the infomericals) This may seem a bit complicated so listen up students. All of you Harry Potter fans no that there are books mention in the Harry Potter book and movie series. If you click this link it will take you to all, if not most, of the books listed in the series. If you can relate the books that you read to the books on the list you will receive an extra 25 points. How do you relate the books? One word from the book title on the Hogwarts book list has to match a word from the title of the book you are reading.
So this is how you points will look:
option 1 - I read the 3 to complete the challenge
--10 (per book) x 3 = 30 + 30 (completing the challenge) = 60
option 2 - I read the 3 plus extra but NOT linked to the Hogwarts list
--10 (per book) x 3 = 30 + 30 (completing the challenge) = 60 + 30 ( two additional books) = 90
option 3 - I read the 3 plus extra plus they ARE linked to the Hogwarts list
--10 (per book) x 3 = 30 + 30 (completing the challenge) = 60 + 30 ( two additional books) = 90 + 50 (for relating it to the Hogwarts book list) = 140
option 4 - I read the 3 and a couple ARE linked to the Hogwarts list--10 (per book) x 3 = 30 + 30 (completing the challenge) = 60 + 50 (two relate to the list) = 110
And by linked I mean relate not actually making a hyperlink to the Hogwarts list. Just tell me your book title and the title of the book on the Hogwarts list.
And as always you get one point for having the book listed under a class
****on another note points from June and July will be posted in August