Knit the Season
by Kate Jacobs
mp3 audiobook
rating 5stars
from Kobo:
Not only are the holidays are just around the corner, the women who knit at Manhattan's Walker & Daughter have an extra reason to celebrate: there's a wedding planned for New Year's Day. In the meantime, college-age Dakota Walker is working to finish a sweater her mother started before Dakota was born. As she takes on her mother's pattern, she learns from her family and friends that there was much more history in these stitches than she had anticipated, and that to build on her mother's legacy, Dakota must allow herself to become the woman she truly desires to be...
It has been awhile since I have posted a review. *smh I
know, I know, shame on me. Worse yet, I haven’t been reading that much lately. Still
I have a ton of reviews to write. I am also not happy with the style of writing
on this blog. So I’m going to try something a bit more conversational and see
how it goes. On to today’s post.
Knit the Season is book three of the Friday Night Knit Club
series by Kate Jacobs. Change is the theme of this latest book. Learning how to
adjust when life throws you a curve ball is an important lesson. At every
Dakota is faced with a situation not turning out the way she thought it would
or was just plain blindsided.
I listened to this on audio several times. I really like the
story. Dakota was annoying at times. Though the theme of the book is change,
and knowing that meant that she would most likely have a hard time trying to
deal with change, the way she constantly thought about how things were going to
affect her bother me (especially when it came to Gran).
Kate still finds way to keep Georgia relevant. Switching from
present day to flashbacks are hard for some readers to get right, it is done
well throughout the series so far. The characters are all well developed. Reading the story and its characters makes me want to walk into Walker and Daughter yarn shop. And finally, there are several recipes and
knitting patterns at the end. I love this about the books. You don’t just get a
story, you get activities to try as well.
TBR list 1