Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cover Candy 93

SYLO (The SYLO Chronicles Series #1)
@Bunnitaz #lustingforcovers #covercandy

Eyes in the sky. Colors are cool but the spaceship eyes are creepy.

Lusting For Covers a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession
with fellow book lovers hosted by TBQ's Book Palace

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Family Portrait by Gillian Felix

@gillianfx #blogtour

The Family Protrait
By Gillian Felix
Rating 3 stars


Adriana Banovic’s 15th birthday sucked! She got fired after eight years of playing Shayanne Montgomery on the #1 soap in the country, found out that her family was on the verge of bankruptcy and worst of all, forced to return to Westwood Academy. Her only saving grace was a chance glance at dreamy mystery boy Haze Lyndon. Armed with only his picture and a determination to find him—even if it means turning Los Angeles over on its ass.

In this new adult novel you’ll meet Robin Banovic, Adriana’s father; financially challenged, dealing with the death of a family member and his brother’s disappearance. You’ll meet Savannah DaCosta aka Savi, mother/manager; Savi enjoys the life her rock star daughter Leighann has provided. When Leighann makes a choice to end her career, Savi sees it as a personal attack.

You’ll meet college boy Haze Lyndon; New to Los Angeles, Haze soon realizes how quickly money changes hands in the City of Angels. Will he return to questionable ways to survive or go back to the safety of his family in Wisconsin?

The Banovic Siblings:

College boy Kevin Banovic’s casual affair with Savi DaCosta suited him perfectly. Things change when he finds out that Savi is his mom’s high school bestie. When Kevin tries to end their affair, Savi blackmails him. After Kevin rescues Savi’s stepdaughter, L’Wren, from her abusive boyfriend, he can’t stop thinking about her. He must find a way to handle Savi, protect L’Wren, and keep his sanity.

Bad girl Adriana Banovic is pleased with herself for getting her nemesis expelled from Westwood Academy. As feelings between her and her latest victim Haze Lyndon escalate, an unexpected rival discovers her secret and threatens to expose her. With emotions on the line, will her new rival beat her at her own game or end up another casualty of Adriana’s wrath?

Zax Banovic has it all. Tall and handsome, he’s an academic genius, with a killer smile and a heart of gold. When his best friend gets into trouble, he feels responsible and covers for him. But his best friend is not as honorable and has other plans for Zax.

The Banovic Siblings learn that blackmail is a gift that keeps on giving.

Bastard’s Brew:

When L’Wren’s ex-boyfriend Jeff suddenly disappears, she turns to Kevin to help her find him. With one phone call, Kevin makes sure that Jeff stays hidden and that L’Wren’s heart is broken, leaving the door open for Kevin to pursue her. But Kevin is not as free as L’Wren thinks; she is in the dark about his affair with her stepmother, Savi. Savi constantly reminds Kevin of his devious ways and uses their secret to keep him as her toyfriend.

“You don’t deserve to be loved, and you don’t deserve to be happy. You and I are the same … we’re broken inside. Everything we touch, we destroy. We don’t get happily ever after … we don’t get to ride off into the sunset. You know who gets that? L’Wren … she gets it, she gets the guy, and she deserves a decent guy.”- Savi

Kevin desires to be the man that L’Wren deserves, but before he can assume the role of white knight, he brews one last plan to get rid of Savi for good. Will L’Wren, the innocent victim in their twisted game, become a casualty?

Kevin may have sold his body to the devil in stilettos, but he’d be damned if he let her have his heart.

My Review:
Book 1 - Changes
There is a lot going on. There are many characters to meet, different ways they are connected, and events to keep track of. With all that is going on in the book it is not overwhelming; it actually made for a very fast paced read.

So here's a bit of a rundown. The Banovic's. Adriana is 15 and newly unemployed. Kevin is living a double life. Zax is a star athlete as well as smart. Robin is regretting the decision to cut himself off from his late father. The DeCosta's. Leighann is a burnout teenage singer. Savi is Leighann's manager/mother who loves the money and privileges of Leighann's talent more than she she loves her daughter. Oh, and then there's the dead private investigator.

Should you read it? Maybe. Who should read it? Fans of contemporary family conflict fiction.


Book 2 - The Banivic Siblings
The book picks up right where the second on left off. Again there is a lot going on. In this book the members of the families have met but they still don't know how deep connections with some of the others go. Again, very fast paced.

This is harder to rundown without giving things away but I'll try. Kevin seedier side has met his match while he's falling for a girl is in her in bad situation. Adriana is falling for someone who she knows she shouldn't mostly because it's a bad situation for him. Zax is hung up on a girl that he can see what's in front him. Leighann is having the similar problem as Zax. L'Wren, surprisingly not as put together has Leighann thinks. Savi continues to think she's a victim. Robin struggles to learn the family business while his wife Jayne is hiding that she got laid off. Whew!

Should you read it? Maybe. Who should hear it? Fans of contemporary family fiction as well as readers of the first book.


Book 3 - Bastard's Brew
Continuation of the second book. All the same issues from the second book but in more detailed. The exception is that Leighann has let go other crush. She wasn't in the story as much this time around. Adriana is forced to pay for an act she committed but she is still selfishly lying to Haze. Haze is the guy I said she shouldn't be dating.

Should you read it? Maybe. Who should read it? Fans of contemporary fiction as well as readers of book 1 & 2.

The series as a whole. I like the characters. They are written nicely. I like the story. However, I do have some issues. Each book/volume is around 100 pages so they go by fast not a bad thing but something you may want to think about. What I don't like is that these are not volumes, they are episodes. Theses episodes are basically a soap opera. The volumes and nothing has been resolved.

As a kid my great other and two if her daughters watched the soaps. I stopped obviously once I started school but for a short time got back into it when the made the soap opera channel. Again I stopped. Why? I like endings and hate things to be drawn out. When I read a book I want there to be a "bada bada that's all folks" moment. Exceptions multi-book series i.e. Harry Potter. Here's the thing with books in a series, they have to have at least one subplot come to a satisfactory end. That doesn't happen in The Family Portrait volumes. So you may be asking, are you going to read vol. 4? No. There's nothing from these past volumes to lead me to think that things will wrap up in volume 4.

Should you read the volumes? Maybe. See the following question. Who should read them? Fans of suspense as well as soap opera fans.


Last 2 cents:
Good story. √
Good characters. √
Good pace.√
Satisfactory plot endings. X

Author Bio:
Gillian Felix has been writing since she was old enough to hold a pencil. She enjoys creating characters that could be your next-door neighbor, but would you want them as your neighbor is another story.

Originally from the island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Miss Felix moved to the United States in 1998. Since then she has been involved in the entertainment industry for over ten years. Her experience ranges from script supervisor to production manager on many independent features. She is trained in the Meisner and Stanislavski technique of acting, which she credits as an asset to her character development and writing.

Miss Felix is also an entrepreneur and advocate for children's and women's rights.

*This is an ARC review*
***i will post other buy links soon unfortunately I think my laptop has a virus since it took way to long to load pages***

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wishlist Wednesday 36

The Cartel
@Bunnitaz #WishlistWednesday

So what do you need to do to join in wishlist fun?
 •Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
 •Please consider adding the blog hop button to your blog somewhere, so others can find it easily and join in too! Help spread the word! The code will be at the bottom of the post under the linky.
 •Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
 •Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
 •Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of this post.
 •Put a link back to pen to paper ( somewhere in your post, and a note saying that Pen to Paper is the host of the meme.
 •Visit the other blogs and enjoy!

From Barnes and Noble:
The Cartel dominates the Miami drug trade. When its leader dies, he leaves behind a family—and a secret: an illegitimate son. When a contract killer is hired to take down the Cartel, she unwittingly falls for the son. When she finds out, she is torn between love and revenge.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Author Interview: Claudia Y. Burgoa

Do you have a favorite character from this series?


Do you have a favorite scene from either Next To You or book 1 Where Life Takes You?

I have several. This is part of one of my favorites from Next To You:

The rage that clenches my insides, including my head and perhaps my heart takes me on a detour to Becca’s office, where I find her kneeling next to a chair, with a roll of paper towels and two different cleaners. One logo portrays a sadden beagle on top of a carpet. Seeing Rusty inside his playpen with a puppy pout and her ranting, softness my anger.
“We don’t pee on our guests, Rusty. What kind of behavior is this?” When Rusty spots me, he wags his tail, as if I should praise his behavior. Which I would, if Becca wouldn’t chide me right along with him. From the sounds of this and Blaine’s earlier sour puss face, I deduce my dog knows how to behave and keep away undesirable male attention. The female in front of us doesn’t appreciate that behavior though. “If you continue like this, I’ll have to keep you at home. Why don’t you pee on Daniel? Now that’s something I would enjoy.”

Where did you get the inspiration for this series?

That’s a complicated question… I lost a couple of friends from HS. They were in college already, but a bit of their story gave me the idea about this one.

Rebecca is slowly becoming her own person in this book. I found Daniel to express his insecurities by being controlling. What would you like readers to come away from this book knowing/feeling?

I’d like them to see Becca’s growth, but also understand the human point of both. That as much as they change, there’s a part—our human part—that will always defines us. For Daniel is knowing that he has done everything to keep the people he loves safe. 

Is this the last book in the Life series?

I’m not sure yet, there’s a part of me that wants to write Buddy’s story… and why not, Becca’s and Dan’s children’s stories too. I’m just not sure if that’s going to happen.

Are you working on anything new?

Yes, I just finished the second book of the Knight Tale’s— Standing By which will published on September 23rd. I’m working on a Sci-Fi book and the third book of the Knight Tales. The former to be released on December, the latter early next year.

What advice if any would you give aspiring writers?

Write, read, write, read and never give up

Lastly, what are you currently reading?

The last installment of the Mortal Instruments ~ City of Heavenly Fire.

Book Review Here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!

Blog Tour: Next To You by Claudia Y. Burgoa

 @yuribeans @XpressoReads #giveaway #blogtour

Next To You by Claudia Y. Burgoa
(Life #2)
Publication date: June 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

…I need time. Time to heal those wings and learn to use them…
Was part of the letter Rebecca Trent, Daniel Brightmore’s fiancée and best friend left when she ran away. The person he trusted the most for the past decade disappeared without giving him a second glance. She taught him how to love, believe in family and that everyone deserves a happily ever after. Now he’s struggling between wiping any traces of her from his life and drowning his sorrows away with the help of his new best friends—Don Julio and Jack Daniels.
Rebecca’s past suffocated her to the point of not wanting to continue, her lifeline and the only reason to live began to withdraw from her. She wished it had been her imagination, but heard it loud and clear: “If not, there’s always a divorce, nothing is forever.” This time it became a leave or die situation. Something has got to change—she had to change. Packing light and leaving a letter behind, she takes a journey that can help her find herself through the shards of her painful childhood.
As letters, memories and stories are exchanged, two once inseparable people reconcile what’s left of their relationship. Beyond the confines of everything they built together, they’re left with two lonely people searching for what it means to be whole. Will they find meaning under their bruised psyches or will their pasts get the better of them?

My Review:
Just like the first book, I like this one. Becca showed strength and growth in this novel. She knew that she spent her life being controlled. She understood that Daniel need some time to grow as well. Before you open yourself up to another person you have to first be comfortable with who you are as a person. That is what I took away with this read.

Should you read it? Yes. Who should read it? People who want alittle substance with their YA.

Where Life Takes You by Claudia Y. Burgoa
Publication date: July 31st 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Becca Trent lived her childhood next to a cruel woman—her mom—who lived to torment and neglect her. During her high school years, her mother married; bringing home not only a new husband, but a step sister her same age. The latter took over her Mom’s role—making Becca’s life miserable. Including stealing Ian—Becca’s best friend and boyfriend—Lisa treated her worse than her mother had for the previous fifteen years. A couple of years later, things ended up in tragedy.

Becca buried that part of her life in the deep corners of her psyche, but that only work during the days when the nightmares didn’t come back to haunt her. Her best friend, Dan gives her that family love she always lacked. Everything was close to perfect, until everything and everyone from her past came back. Now, she’s trying to figure out how to survive and keep that bond which seems now to be held together by a thread.

Note: This is the first part of a two book novel.
Claudia lives in Colorado with her family and three dogs. Two beagles who believe they are human, and a bichon who thinks she’s a beagle. While managing life, she works as a CFO at a small IT Company. She’s a dreamer who enjoys music, laughter and a good story.

Author Links:

Interview Here

*This is an ARC
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cover Candy 92

The One (B&N Signed Edition)
@Bunnitaz #lustingforcovers #covercandy

I'm a sucker for a ball gown.

Lusting For Covers a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession
with fellow book lovers hosted by TBQ's Book Palace

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wishlist Wednesday 35

Midnight: A Gangster Love Story
@Bunnitaz #WishlistWednesday

So what do you need to do to join in wishlist fun?
 •Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
 •Please consider adding the blog hop button to your blog somewhere, so others can find it easily and join in too! Help spread the word! The code will be at the bottom of the post under the linky.
 •Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
 •Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
 •Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of this post.
 •Put a link back to pen to paper ( somewhere in your post, and a note saying that Pen to Paper is the host of the meme.
 •Visit the other blogs and enjoy!

From Barnes and Noble:
Souljah brings urban literature, and herself, to a whole new level in this raw, unapologetic, charismatic love story.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blog Tour: Solus Series by Devri Walls

@DevriWalls @XpressoReads #giveaway #blogtour

Wins of Arian
by Devri Walls
Series: Solus #1
Published: April 24th 2012 

Kiora thought she had never heard a lie until she was sixteen. But she was wrong. Her entire existence was based on nothing but. She thought that evil did not exist. Lie. That magic was not real. Lie. And that the land of Meros was all there was. One more lie.

With Aleric telling her that evil is knocking on the door and that she is the only one who can stop them she has a choice to make. Refuse, or start the wildest most painful ride of her life.
She reluctantly dips her toe into her new existence of magic and threads, dragons and shapeshifters, and the person who wants to take control of it all: the evil Dralazar.

However, this journey was never meant to be hers alone. She will be accompanied by a Protector. To her disbelief, and utter irritation they name the hotheaded, stubborn, non -magical, (albeit gorgeous) Prince Emane. They will have to trust each other with their lives, but right now Kiora would settle for a non hostile conversation.

And now it comes down to this, If you had never heard a lie, would you know when you heard one? Is knowing good from evil innate? Kiora finds herself having to decide who lives and who dies on those very questions.

Wings of Tavea
by Devri Walls
Series: Solus #2
Published: November, 2012

Kiora is rapidly learning that evil and lies come in shades of black and white and swirling greys, but nothing could have prepared her for the shock of leaving Meros.

Kiora and her protector Emane step through the pass into a world they never knew existed but were always meant to save, only to find it far worse than they could have ever imagined. Good has been forced into hiding for its own survival, while the rest of the land bows to the Shadow, a force that pushes any remaining thoughts of Dralazar from Kiora’s mind. This land is full of new creatures, each more dangerous than the last. Her visions have taken on a deadly twist, and magic, or what comes of it, was never so real. And then there is Alcander: a Tavean, their guide, and an entirely different kind of trouble

Wings of Nestor
Devri Walls
Series: Solus #3
Publication date: June 24th 2013

Kiora needs answers. Who is the Shadow? Who is Jasmine? Are they connected? And even more pressing: how can she stop Shadow from using Kiora’s dreams as a map to find them? They have escaped three times, but are living on borrowed time—and everybody knows it.

Her search for help will push her closer to Alcander, send her to the dragon mountain of Toopai, and straight back to Meros—where magic will finally return to the land of no magic. Answers will be uncovered and plans unearthed that have been waiting for thousands of years.

But with the Shadow’s forces gathering, it looks like the land’s path is hurtling towards one outcome: war with the Shadow and death to all rebels. Armed with knowledge and hope, Kiora is determined to change that path. But will fate allow it? Or will it deal her a hard lesson about following ones own destiny?

Wings of Lomay
Devri Walls
Series: Solus #4
Publication date: February 4th 2014

Kiora needs answers. Who is the Shadow? Who is Jasmine? Are they connected? And even more pressing: how can she stop Shadow from using Kiora’s dreams as a map to find them? They have escaped three times, but are living on borrowed time—and everybody knows it.

Her search for help will push her closer to Alcander, send her to the dragon mountain of Toopai, and straight back to Meros—where magic will finally return to the land of no magic. Answers will be uncovered and plans unearthed that have been waiting for thousands of years.

But with the Shadow’s forces gathering, it looks like the land’s path is hurtling towards one outcome: war with the Shadow and death to all rebels. Armed with knowledge and hope, Kiora is determined to change that path. But will fate allow it? Or will it deal her a hard lesson about following ones own destiny?


Devri Walls lives in Kuna Idaho with her husband and two kids. She has worked as a music teacher and currently, a preschool teacher. She majored in theater and her love of a story still drives her today. Thankfully, she has finally found an outlet for all the voices in her head.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This is an ARC
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your book from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Tour: The Legacy by Necole Ryse

@necoleryse @NereydaG1003 #giveaway #blogtour

The Legacy by Necole Ryse
Release Date: 06/17/14
Rating: 4 stars

Summary from Goodreads:
Nineteen-year-old Raevyn Jones has never worn a designer gown. She's never had access to unlimited champagne or chauffeured limo rides. But when she is dropped in the midst of the Black Ivy League--against her will--she has to pretend that everything is normal, as if she belongs. When her new friends start to question her sketchy past and her shaky legacy at Benjamin Wallace Fitzgerald University, Raevyn realizes she will have to rely on her street smarts more than ever before. Raevyn starts to receive cryptic text messages and emails from an anonymous sender and she soon discovers that not only does someone want her to leave B.W.Fitz--someone also wants to end her life.

My Review:
Liked it. The story is told well. Reynolds developed throughout the story.  When she first got to the school she was determined not to like it. She was bitter and prejudiced against the rich she could never understand. She holds on to the only boy she ever dated. The boy her father has sent away from. Toward the end of the story she understand that she has a better future with thus school instead of the road she was determined to travel at home.

There are questions left unanswered. What happened to Jeffrey? Why is B so determined to make Rae leave? Was Rae set up by her ex or her roommate and her friends? We have to read the next book to get answers. I got to tell y'all, I am anxious to know.

Should you read it? Yes. Who should read it? Fans of coming of age stories with a mystery/suspense twist.

Buy Links:

About the Author 
Necole Ryse graduated from Towson University with Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications. Bored with life as an adult, Necole decided to follow her dreams to write fiction and she hasn’t looked back. She joined theWinslet Press family to release her first novel, THE LEGACY. She enjoys chocolate covered pretzels, Criminal Minds marathons, and all things Harry Potter.

Author Links:

$20 Amazon Gift Card (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This is an ARC
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cover Candy 91

Worth the Fight
@Bunnitaz #lustingforcovers #covercandy

Love the tattoos

Lusting For Covers a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession
with fellow book lovers hosted by TBQ's Book Palace

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Blog Tour: The Artful by Wilbert Stanton

 @Wilbert_stanton @XpressoReads #giveaway #blogtour

The Artful by Wilbert Stanton
(Shadows of the City #1)
Published by: Curiosity Quills Press
Publication date: May 27th 2014
Genres: Post-Apocalyptic, Young Adult
Rating: 3 stars

New York City, 2025: Everything is changed. The city that never sleeps is now a land of death and decay. A rampant virus has taken over and the survivors have become carriers, quarantined from the rest of the world.

Twist and Dodger grew up in the streets, the sewers and underground tunnels – their playground. They aren’t heroes. They just like attention; and stealing meds from the rich and giving them to the poor is their golden ticket.

On their latest raid, they unknowingly steal a cure that puts them square between the ailing Emperor of Manhattan and the war hungry Governor of Brooklyn and forces them on a quest into the darkest shadows of their putrefying world.

My Review:
Work! And not work in the neck rolling, finger snapped, ending in yasssss kind of way. Work as in plugging your way through the beginning to get to a decent pace and story. I almost gave up. I mean, this starts off really slow to the point of boredom. As the story picks up you get more into it. It doesn't end up being a fast paced book but medium paced. I like the concept of the story. And as it picked up it turned out to be a pretty decent book. I'm thinking that now that he has established this world and characters that book 2 with be a faster pace for the start.
*If you were wondering (3stars) my rating system comes out with decimals so I either round down or up ( .4  and lower is rounded down .5 and more is rounded up).

Should you read it? Maybe. Who should read it? Fans of dystopian novels who have enough patience to wait for the story to pick up hence the maybe.


Wilbert Stanton was born and raised in New York City. From an early age, Wilbert decided he would either write books or take over the world; everything else was just a precursor to his end game.

Along the way, he has studied Psychology, English, and Computer Science. He’s held jobs in a wide range of fields and met people from all walks of life. Wilbert is constantly learning and growing as a person, in order to solidify his dreams.

In the end world domination was a bit tedious, so he decided to focus on writing books.

Author links: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This is an ARC
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Blog Tour: Tortured Souls by Kimber Leigh Wheaton

 Tortured Souls
The Orion Circle #1

Kimber Leigh Wheaton

YA Paranormal Romance
June 29. 2014
Sea Dragon Press

Amazon * Goodreads

Sometimes Rest in Peace isn't an option.

Kacie Ramsey sees ghosts—and it's ruining her life. Her mother left, her father blames her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can't keep the ghosts away. Now a new power has emerged. Nightly visions of grisly murders and a relentless predator draw her to the brink of insanity.

When the phantom appears at a party, Kacie's longtime crush, Logan, saves her. He invites her to join the Orion Circle, a group of supernatural hunters with chapters in schools all over the country. Through the Circle, Kacie learns to embrace her spiritual powers, and for the first time in her life she feels in control rather than a victim.

But the Foxblood Demon will not give up so easily. A demented serial killer in life who trapped the souls of the thirteen children he murdered, imprisoning them within the walls of his mansion. Now in death, he plots his return while drawing power from the pure souls of the children. He recognizes something in Kacie he's never seen before—a medium powerful enough to provide a vessel for his tainted soul.

Kacie can't ignore the tortured souls of the children crying out to her every night. With Logan at her side, she will fight the Foxblood Demon. But can they banish this powerful phantom, or will Kacie lose not only her body, but her eternal soul to the monster.

My Review:
This one is going to be a short one. Not because I don't have anything to say but because I have a lot to say.i And since I'm sure once I get started I'll type spoilers all over the place. I liked this story. You want to talk about pace. It was fast paced for me. I've watched Ghost Whisperer any thought about having that the kind of gift where you don't just see ghost but that they basically stalk you. 

Yeah...I'll pass. Kacie is that kind of character where I'm like I don't envied you honey. It's bad enough to see the evils of the living but to witness the evils from the afterlife is an "gift" I don't wont. The best word that I could use to describe this novel is haunted. I got lost in the story. I found myself talking out loud at times. See I just caught myself from typing a spoiler. So I'm ended it here.

Should you read it? Yes. Who should read it? Fans of the paranormal, ghosts, and spirit world things.

About the Author

Kimber Leigh Wheaton is a bestselling YA/NA author with a soft spot for sweet romance. She is married to her soul mate, has a teenage son, and shares her home with three dogs, four cats, and lots of dragons. No, she doesn’t live on a farm, she just loves animals. Kimber Leigh is addicted to romance, videogames, superheroes, villains, and chocolate—not necessarily in that order. (If she has to choose, she’ll take a chocolate covered superhero!) She currently lives in San Antonio, TX but has been somewhat a rolling stone in life, having resided in several different cities and states.

Website Twitter * Goodreads Author Page
Facebook * Pinterest

Tour-Wide Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card
1 Signed Print Copy - US Only
5 sets of signed bookmarks - US only

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This is an ARC
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Blog Tour: Tore Divided Love by K.D. Ferguson

 @kristend732 @NereydaG1003 #giveaway #blogtour

Tore Divided Love by K.D. Ferguson
Release Date: 06/06/14

Rating: 3stars

Summary from Goodreads:
A future set in stone. For eighteen year old Krissa Channing a government ruled pairing with Braiden Connor and a move to Headquarters were her set fate. Until Braiden's sudden disappearance threatens Krissa’s entire future. After months of endless worry, Krissa has an unexpected meeting with Duke, a perfect suitor that could offer her the future she’s always dreamed of. Just when she begins to regain hope, Braiden returns. Now, Krissa must find where her heart truly lies. Torn between two loves, she must decide which of their worlds she belongs in. But is such a decision even possible when the choice rests between freedom and love?

My Review:
Warning this is a short review. Side note: Have you noticed that some book elicit a longer review from me than others? I'm wondering why? Anywaiys... This is the second book in the series. If you haven't read this second book than you can read this one though I didn't feel lost I did feel like I was missing something. At the heart the book to me was a love story. One about choices. Krista has two suitors. One I wasn't all that keen about but hey, you have to have the bad boy right.

Should you read it? Sure but you probably be better off reading it in order. Who should read it? Fan of dystopian novels as it has all the typical dystopian world building.


Buy Links: 

Book One: 

About the Author
K.D. Ferguson is the author of Torn True Love and Tore Divided Love. Her first book debuted in April of 2013 and she is currently working on the third book in the series. After receiving an associate’s degree in Fashion Merchandising from the Fashion Institute of Technology she earned a bachelor’s degree in applied science from the State University of Oneonta. She moved away from her hometown, Oneonta, NY, upon graduation and moved to Concord, North Carolina with her husband where she pursued a career in the retail world. Several years later, feeling unsatisfied in her career, Kristen dove head first into writing her first book. She can usually be found with an iced coffee in one hand and a pen in the other.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blog Tour: Stay by Hilary Wynne

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Stay by Hilary Wynne
(Alexa Reed #1)
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Rating 3 stars

Set against the steamy and sultry world of South Beach, Florida, a modern romance unfolds in Stay.

Alexa is beautiful, independent and hard to resist for serially unattached Julian. Neither one is looking for a relationship, but their palpable chemistry and instant emotional connection is too strong to ignore. For the first time in years, Julian is interested in more than just sex. He wants a relationship with intoxicating Alexa, but it’s not that simple. Not only are Julian and Alexa struggling with the intensity of this new relationship, but they also have to contend with Luke, Alexa’s best friend, whose own love for her leaves him willing to do anything to convince her that Julian is not the man for her. Luke’s determination and Alexa’s secret past threaten to tear Julian and Alexa apart as she struggles to open her heart to love. Julian and Alexa embark upon a roller-coaster ride of emotional and physical passion that both pulls them apart and holds them together. Despite their affinity for each other, Alexa fears that Julian will leave when he learns about her past and Julian is unsure he can love a woman who in so many ways remains a mystery, a woman who keeps threatening to run, a woman who can’t decide if she is going to STAY.

My Review:
Okay this was not what I was expecting. I ended up liking this story. Now, if you have been reading me for a bit you know that I am not a fan of building up suspense. I am not shy about issues. I am not ashamed to tell y'all that I have enough baggage to full a twenty car freight train. However, I found myself wanting the pace of the story line to pick up. I never really understood why I person who take the take to go to a therapist, pay hard earned money on said therapist, and then not tell the whole truth. For a person who grew up with limited funds I see it as a waste of money and as we all know you can't get wasted time back. So it annoyed me big time that Alexa saw a therapist for a year and was still unwilling to talk about why she was really there.

I did enjoy her relationship with Julian. I am not one who has that much of a problem with insta-love. If you have a really good memory you may remember that myself and an ex-boyfriend moved into together within hours of meeting each other (for those you are curious, it lasted 11 years). The attraction between Alexa and Julian is enviable. I mean, who doesn't want to be so attracted to a man that you climax without any actual sex.

While we are on Julian, ha ha what a delicious thought, how sexy is he?! A man who is sexual. A man who cares about pleasing his woman each and every time. A man who is in touch with his feelings enough to not be pushed away. We all want that, right? Even when we say go away, we want them say "no, baby I'm never leaving". Some times we just want to that the other person will stay even when we act our worse; Julian is that type of man.

*BTW this comment is graphic so skip to last paragraph. Also some of you may want things to unfold and though I don't think that this is a spoiler because the story is really about why she is going to the therapist you may want to skip to last paragraph.

Now on to another issue I want to address with this story. Again it has to do with Alexa.  She refuses to have sex with Julian without a condom. What is wrong with that you ask? No, I am not against safe sex. I do find her reasoning for doing it erked me. She wanted to "protect" herself until she knew they both were clean. You are still probably wondering what me problem is. Well there is oral sex in this book. Yes, STDs and HIV/AIDS is passed through sexual intercourse but it also passed through oral sex. Not to get to details but there is still an exchanging of bodily fluids. If you can put it in your mouth without a condom, why be paranoid about putting it in your vagina? Ijs

Should you read it? Yes. Who should read it? Fans of romance and swoon worthy men. Oh and fans of clothes and shoes as she describes just about every outfit she wears in this book.

Have you ever woken up one day and said, “Today’s the day I’m going to do (insert thing here)?” Well, I did, and the result is my first novel, Stay. I always thought of myself as a decent writer, and then a trip down memory lane through my ninth grade book of poetry confirmed it. I realize that I have always had a romantic side and a way with words. With support from my husband and kids (and an unspoken agreement to leave me alone for a few hours every night), I embarked on this incredible writing journey.

I’m originally from sunny Southern California and spent my summers in South Florida. I attended college at FSU and received my Masters in New Mexico. I finally settled in the Washington, DC area. My happy place has always been anywhere near the water.

When I’m not writing, I help run a business with my husband, watch an inordinate amount of sports (my kids play something 365 days a year), indulge my competitive spirit on the tennis court, and spend time with my awesome family and friends.

I am an avid reader, but find my characters feel neglected when I hang out with other author’s characters for too long. When I do read, historical fiction is my favorite genre. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures, places, and times.

I feel so blessed that my love of books inspired me to finally do something that I forgot I had always dreamed about doing.

My someday has arrived!

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