Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Naughtier Than Nice by Eric Jerome Dickey

@ericjdickey #bookreview

Naughtier Than Nice by Eric Jerome Dickey
Pages: 368
Publisher: Dutton
Source: Netgalley
Format: ePub

The lives of Frankie, Tommie, and Olivia (Livvy) haven’t turned out quite as planned. Frankie has a pair of stalkers. The life that Tommie had dreamed of having with Blue has become anything but perfect, and Olivia, despite her efforts, hasn’t been able to get over the psychological barrier caused by her husband’s affair in Naughty or Nice.

Frankie’s life has taken on an element of danger, and she calls upon Driver, an ex-con who first appears in Dickey’s Drive Me Crazy, to bail her out of a potentially life-threatening situation, but that is a secret she has kept from her sisters.

Tommie and Blue are now engaged, but due to something her more-mature love has done, the wedding is indefinitely on hold. As Blue and Tommie remain the perfect couple in public, Tommie has found herself physically attracted to a younger man. But that is a secret she has kept from her sisters.

Livvy is trying to recapture the adventure she had during her revenge affair. She is seldom intimate with her husband, Tony, but when she has relations with him, it is by her rules and under certain conditions—it has to be a menage e trois. But that is a secret she has kept from her sisters.

Though the sisters are as close as any sisters could be, none wants the other two to know the dark secrets she is hiding. And during this season, all of the McBroom sisters are Naughtier than Nice.

Amazon  -  Nook  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

My Review
A story following three sisters who each are struggling in their lives while thinking the other two have the perfect relationships. The main story focuses around the eldest sister Frankie. She is engaged and thinking that she found the perfect guy only he is already married. At that point a whole lotta drama ensues. From adultery, to menege trois, to death threats this book just kept you interested in finding out how all of these things were going to get resolved.

It wasn't as predictable as I though it would be.There are a couple of scenes that were a little suspenseful especially at the end with Frankie and the stalker wife. Best part of all, there isn't a cliffhanger. That's right Nooooo cliffhangers *in my mommy dearest voice. My opinion is give it a shot when you get chance especially if you like books that has three different character plots going on.

About the Author
Eric Jerome Dickey was born in Memphis, Tennessee and attended the University of Memphis (the former Memphis State), where he earned his degree in Computer System Technology. In 1983, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in engineering.

After landing a job in the aerospace industry as a software developer, Eric Jerome Dickey's artistic talents surfaced, inspiring him to become an actor and a stand-up comedian. Yet Eric quickly found out that writing was something he could do and do well. From creative writing classes to avidly consuming the works of his favorite authors, Eric Jerome Dickey began to shape a writing career of his own.

Author Links
Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Website

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*This is an ARC review
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Book Blitz: Until Beth by Lisa Amowitz

Happy Book Birthday UNTIL BETH! We're so excited to be sharing this fantastic Young Adult novel by Lisa Amowitz with you today! Be sure to stop in at the bottom, and enter the giveaway for books, swag and a guitar pick necklace! The giveaway is open internationally!
About The Book
UNTIL BETHAuthor: Lisa Amowitz
Release Date: September 29th, 2015 Paperback: 260 pages
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press  ISBN-13: 978-1633920330
She doesn’t just play, she kills it.
Talented rock guitarist Beth Collins has been barely holding herself together for months, ever since her boyfriend and bandmate became the latest victim in a string of suspicious disappearances. When her brother is injured an accident and she sees something dark billowing around him as he hovers close to death, she’s convinced her sanity is collapsing for good.

Then she's accepted by a boarding school for the musically gifted. All of her new friends are bursting with talent, but they're also keeping secrets. Can she trust Vincent, who's so sweet that his very touch makes her fears melt away? Or Xavier, who's trying to tell her something but is hiding even more?

And will anyone be safe when her true Talent comes out?
Praise For Until Beth
"I  wish I could have read about a protagonist like Beth when I was growing up--a girl who doesn't fit into her society and must learn to use her abilities for good instead of evil. Her struggles will resonate with teen readers, and the hidden agendas of the school and its students will keep readers guessing up to the final page." - Lyn Miller-Lachmann, author of Rogue
"This unique and compelling novel grabbed me on the first page and wouldn't let go. With unforgettable characters and a story that is by turns heartbreaking, thrilling and uplifting, UNTIL BETH is a must-read.” - Christine Johnson, author of The Gathering Dark

About The Author
Lisa Amowitz was born in Queens and raised in the wilds of Long Island, New York where she climbed trees, thought small creatures lived under rocks and studied ant hills. And drew. A lot. She is a professor of Graphic Design at her beloved Bronx Community College where she has been tormenting and cajoling students for nearly twenty years. She started writing eleven years ago because she wanted something to illustrate, but somehow, instead ended up writing YA. Probably because her mind is too dark and twisted for small children. Lisa is represented by Shannon Hassan of Marsal-Lyon Literary Agency.
BREAKING GLASS, released in July, 2013 from Spencer Hill Press, is her first published work. VISION, the first of the Finder series was released September, 2014. FRACTURED, a novella combining the worlds of BREAKING GLASS and VISION releases as an ebook only, June 7, 2015. UNTIL BETH, the first in the Life and Beth trilogy will be released September 2015.
Lisa Amowitz is available for guest appearances, Skype visits, school visits, libraries & interviews. Please contact her for scheduling.
Grand prize US:$25 gift certificate to Amazon, Powell's or B&N (Winners Choice)
Ebooks of Breaking Glass, Vision & Fractured also by Lisa Amowitz
Swag AND a hand made (by the author!!) guitar pick necklace.
(International will only be ebooks and gift certificate)
Second prize:Ebooks of Breaking Glass, Vision & Fractured also by Lisa Amowitz
(International: ebooks only)

Must be 13+ To Enter | Open Internationally with restrictions
Please see Terms and Conditions for full contest rules.

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog Ahead October 2015

.Join Anna @ herding cats & burning soup and myself Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer for the Blog Ahead 2015 Challenge and cut the stress of blogging!
Blog Ahead 2015
  • Purpose: Increase the number of scheduled blog posts you have ready to publish by 31 posts during the month of October. (You can set your own goal) All post will be scheduled from November 1st or later.
  • Who Can Join: Any blogger or author can join. Brand new, been around for years.Blogger, WordPress or other platform. Any heat level, genre or theme, etc. If you blog…you’re welcome to join!
  • Types of Posts that Count: Any finished posts count! Meme, review, guest post, interview, discussion. Top Ten Posts, Favorites posts, Shopping Guide Posts, Cooking posts, pet posts, photo posts, etc. Posts do NOT have to be book related.
  • Required: The post must be complete and scheduled from November 1, 2015 onward. (So not just blurb, buy links, etc for a review post. The review needs to be complete for the post to count.)

Accept The Challenge

  • Sign-up below!
  • Create a blog post to keep track of your goals! Declare your intentions, so that others can cheer you on and help motivate you. Be sure to link back to to this post or our blogs.
  • Spread the Word–invite your friends/fellow bloggers!
  • Use hashtag #BlogAhead2015 to share your progress, connect with others and uplift. (optional)
  • Join the FB group! Need to squee about your progress or get a little moral support? We’re here! We’ll have tips and suggestions to help motivate you. Join: Blog Ahead Group Any problems joining? Email Me (optional)
  • Grab the Button and declare your intentions!

My Intentions:
I have already been doing this or at least attempting to do this. Right now I am still working on October. I do have a goal to have the blog at least 2 months ahead. I am thinking that It should be around 70 posts!

My Progress:

Book Blitz: Hookah by Cameron Jace

@cameronjace @XpressoReads #giveaway #blogtour #bookbliz

Hookah by Cameron Jace
(Insanity #4)
Publication date: December 12th 2015
Genres: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Young Adult

A Plague Scarier than Death
Alice and the Pillar have to stop a Wonderland Monster who’d lashed out an incurable disease onto the world. Their biggest challenge is that the world loves this monster so much.

A Cure Larger than Life
The only way to save the world is to travel to the other side of the globe, and peek into one of Lewis Carroll and the Pillar’s darker pasts.

A Truth Madder Than Fiction
This time, the price of saving the world is too high. Alice will have to live with the consequences of the maddest logic of the world surrounding her.

Will Alice find who the Pillar really is? What he wants? Is she brave enough to handle the one Wonderland Monster she’d thought was a good friends? And even so, is the world ready the truth?

Book 1 Free (at the time of this post 9/28)
iBooks - I'm not sure if it's free here
My Review:

“She’s not my daughter.” The Pillar purses his lips. He’s pissed at me. I know it. But you know what? I love the mushrooms’ effect. Because I don’t freakin’ care. “Don’t pay attention to her.”

“I’m beginning to lose my patience,” the machine gun man says. “You don’t know the password, and your daughter is a lunatic.”

“I told you she isn’t my daughter,” I hear the Pillar say while I’m trying to catch a diamond from the sky. “And I don’t know the answer to your puzzle. Divide a loaf by a knife? What kind of mathematical question is that?”

“Wrong answer.” The man is about to shoot the Pillar while I’m chasing stars.

This is when I find myself standing before the Pillar to protect him. “You will not shoot my father!” I have no idea what I am saying, or why I am saying it. It’s strange that in the middle of my hallucination I care for the Pillar.

“Tell her to move, or I will shoot you both,” the machine gun man warns.

Then another totally bonkers thing happens. This time it’s too insane to swallow.

“Tell you what? You look like you’re itching to shoot someone today,” the Pillar says, pushing me away toward the man. “Why not shoot her, and let me pass?”

Suddenly, I am two feet away from the machine gun itself, unable to determine if what I just heard was part of my hallucination or for real.

My attempt to turn back and confront the Pillar goes out the window when the machine gun man decides he’s had it with me.

He shoots me straight in the chest.

About the Author:
Insanity 4 is available for pre-order

Cameron Jace is the bestselling author of the Grimm Diaries and Insanity series. A graduate of the college of Architecture, collector of out-of-print books, he is obsessed with the origins of folk tales and the mysterious storytellers who spread them. Three of his books made Amazon's Top 100 Customer Favorites in Kindle 2013 & Amazon's Top 100 kindle list. Cameron lives in California with his girlfriend. When he isn't writing or collecting books, he is playing music.

Sign up for his mailing list here:

Xpresso Book Tours

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Movie Monday (3) - Vampire in Brooklyn

#moviemonday #vampire #blackvampire #eddiemurphy #comedy #horror #romance

Vampire in Brooklyn
starring Eddie Murphy & Angela Bassett
director: Wes Craven
studio: Paramount
Rated: R (Restricted)
run time: aprx 1 hour 43 min
originally released: 1995

Maximillian is the only survivor from a race of vampires on a Caribbean Island, and as a vampire, he must find a mate to keep the line from ending. He knows that a child had been born to a woman who had a vampire father, and he searches for her in Brooklyn. Rita's mother, who has died in an asylum, was that woman and Rita has nightmares that she does not understand. Not knowing that she is part vampire, Max woos her and attempts to bring her to her blood sucking destiny. Even though Rita has strange dreams and actions, Justice, her partner, has feelings for her and does not want her involved with this stranger Max. But it is Rita who must decide her destiny.

This is a film that many people may have never even heard of. I certainly do not remember any commercials for it when it came out. It is easy to see why this movie flies under most people radar. It is a cheesy B movie. It is bad but it is that bad that makes it funny. There is definitely nothing scary about this movie let's be clear about that. It does provide a few laughs though.

Maximillian (Eddie Murphy) character is the lead in this movie but I never really too much care about him. He was an obstacle in the way of the romance between Rita (Angela Bassett) and Justice (Allen Payne). Max as escaped hunters in the Caribbean. He comes to New York in search of his mate Rita. Rita doesn't know that she is half vampire half human though she do have these strange dreams that are getting more vivid and disturbing lately. Rita tries to fight her growing desire for Max as well as Justice. Justice (who will always be Lance from the Cosby Show to me) doesn't know what is going on for most of the movie. He only knows that he doesn't like nor trust this Max character. Always having feelings for Rita, his suspection is both jealous and rightly justicifed.

There is a secondary group of characters that include Kadeem Hardison (loved him A Different World) and John Witherspoon (oh can forget Pops from the Friday movies). The two of them have the best scenes in the movie. I honestly watch the movie waiting for the scenes that have them in it. While the movie isn't going to blow your mind or have you rolling on the floor in laughter it a movie worth watching at least once. 


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Saturday, September 26, 2015

My To Be Read List - Book Review: Rippler by Cidney Swanson

@Limabean74 #mytbrl @cidneyswanson

Reminder of the book that won

Samantha Ruiz has a freak gene that lets her turn invisible, or ripple. She can't control it, and it's getting worse. Afraid of becoming a lab-rat, Sam hides her ability, until her crush Will Baker sees her vanish. Will promises secrecy and together the two discover someone's killing people who ripple, possibly in connection to a neo-Nazi faction. The more Sam is with Will, the less she can imagine life without him, but the time is coming when she must choose between keeping Will in her life or keeping Will safe.

Purchase Links
Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

The Review

This has been on my tbr list for awhile. I am glad that it was chosen as my read for the month. Shout out to My TBR List bloggie friends. Back to Rippler. This may contain spoilers so you have been forewarned.

Sam is a teen that is just getting out if a depression that lasted for years. While on a rafting trip with teammates she disappears. Everyone thinks that she has fallen out of the raft and possibly drowning. Everyone but Will. With his help she is able to reappear without everyone seeing it. This is the start of Will and Sam's relationship.

Sam quickly learns that there us a name for what she has. She also learns what about some of the research into the disease. Unfortunately, she also learns that there is quite possibly people out there who are killing off people like her. Together Will and Sam face some ups and downs as they navigate what it means to have Ripplers.

This is an interesting read that combines history with fiction. Ripplers is a fictional disease but they why the author explains it you can buy that someone could actually have it. I am a fan of books that makes you run to do a web search. I did that when reading about California forced sterilizations in the novel.

This ends in a cliffhanger. I understand the need to continue in another book but I do think that the issue of bringing her parents up to speed could've happened in this one. From the description of the how the disease work, to how to feels to ripple, it just mane's for an interesting and entertaining realistic science fiction read. Definitely worth giving a chance.

Like to join the fun? Here's how it works.

Each month you will make a post with three books from your TBR List (these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and add your link on the linky that will be provided on Because Reading post.

Your followers and the people on the linky will help you choose which book you will read next.

The following Saturday you will announce the book that won. Then read the book.

On the last Saturday of the month post a review (with an optional giveaway, Michelle at Because Reading does this sometimes just for fun but you don’t have to).

The Rules

Ex. Lets say its September…
The first Saturday is the 6th – your post will go up with the 3 books you choose (as stated above these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and then link it to the linky on Because Reading blog.
     Her post will go up at 5am est. Make sure your link your post back to it in order to have your followers        visit other people’s blogs to help vote if they want.

     You can do the Polling however you would like. Survey Monkey, it has a good one and it’s free (here is        an EXAMPLE of Michelle's post). You can set it up and say whatever you would like – it’s totally up to        you. All this is asked is that you link back to Because Reading.

The second Saturday is the 13th – this is the day you announce which book won and whatever else you would like.
     (here is an EXAMPLE of Michelle's post). Her post will have a linky, so we can all easily see what                everyone will be reading.

The third Saturday is the 20th– you don’t have to post anything

The fourth (and/or last) Saturday is the 27th– this is when your review will go up regardless of how you liked the book.
     Please note even if you didn’t finished it just write a small post about how you felt about the book.                Michelle don’t write DNF reviews, but she does for this feature so followers can see what she thought          about the book they picked.

Some months have 4 weeks and some have five so a post always has to go up the First and Second Saturday and the last Saturday of the month

The final review post will also have a linky on it so you can link up your reviews and we can see what you thought of the book that was picked. This will draw some views to your blog and maybe find some new friends along the way.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Book Review: True Calling by Siobhan Davis

@siobhandavis #bookreview #dystopian #scifi 

True Calling by Siobhan Davis
Pages: 374
Publisher: Author Self Published
Source: Amazon
Format: mobi
Rating: ☆☆☆


Planet Novo, nestled in space twelve hundred miles above the surface of the Earth, is the new home of 17-year-old Cadet Ariana Skyee. Confused by the government-sanctioned memory erase and distressed at her impending forced marriage and motherhood, Ariana's plans for the future are thrown into complete disarray. 

As the traumatic events within her family life enfold, Ariana grows increasingly alarmed at the authorities apparent pre-occupation with her and feels progressively more isolated and alone. 

Her growing feelings for fellow Cadet Cal Remus intensify as the recently announced pageant, 'The Calling', gets underway. Struggling to comprehend the continuous, inexplicable dreams of the mysterious Zane, discovering the past helps shape her future, with devastating personal consequences. 

Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks
*at the date of this post the book was available for free download

My Review
The cover drew me to this book. I was thinking this was a fantasy book. It actually a science fiction dystopian novel. The Earth is in ruin. What happened to the planet, we are never really told. That's a problem. If we are to get into the mindset of this new world circumstance we need to know what forces changed society as we know it.

A group of people chosen through a variety of tests are sent to live on a planet just 1200 miles from earth. This is another problem. Where are told that the planet has been in the works since the 60s. Now we have to either have to ignore the realty of such a possibility working within our universe, assume that this story is taking place in an alternate realty/parallel universe, or just not thinking to deeply about where this new planet is and how it is possible for it to there. I chose the latter option.

Once you get passed those things the story itself is an interesting one. Ariana and her family was chosen to go because not only did they passed the tests but her father is in the military. Upon leaving Earth for the new planet called Novo people are given a nostalgia elixir and a chip insert the neck called the Vita. The elixir is used to erase the memories of those people who aren't going to Novo. For example if you and some friends went on a ski trip, you will still remember the trip but the people remaining on Earth will be erased from the memory. The vita is used to keep track of vitals and location.

Novo was suppose to be the start of a new better society. Of course, things don't stay that way. The government wants absolute control. It does take long for the views to change either. Some books take at least a generation before the government goes corrupt in this one they have only been away from Earth maybe two years.

The novel is easily compared to The Selection, Matched, and the Hunger Games as soon each resident aged 17 (maybe 18 can't remember) and older must participate in 'The Calling'. Basically they are matched up and required to procreate. Ari is understanding upset about this.

Ari is a pretty headstrong teen. She pretty much states whatever is on her mind. Cal is the resident pretty boy that she couldn't stand then very quickly fall in love with. Zane is a guy she dreams about every night but is unsure if he is real or not. Ari is an okay character. Cal went from being charming to easily prone to violent outbursts. Then there is poor Zane, who not only real but the love Ari had to leave behind and forced to forget. He is the one who you hope things will work out for.

The book ends in a cliffhanger. We are left wondering what happened to certain characters. What is going to happen with the resistance? And what does Ari have up her sleeves? It is a book that keeps you interested even at it slow pace. I am definitely interested in continuing the series. So should you read it? Yes, especially if you are dystopian fan. if you are a hardcore science fiction fans may have problems with the whole planet only being 1200 miles away thing but if you can overlook that it is an enjoyable read.

About the Author
I am the author of bestselling YA science fiction fantasy romance series, True Calling. 

A self diagnosed 'teenager forever'- at least when it comes to books,  music and movies; I'm totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. I love baking, crime novels, shoes, bags, make-up, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward).

I have forged a successful corporate career, in Human Resources, over the last twenty years.

I reside in the Garden County of Ireland, with my gorgeous husband and my two adorable sons  (pictured much to their disgust!).

Author Links
Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Website  -  Blog  -  Goodreads

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