Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog Tour: The Row by J.R. Johansson

@JRJohansson #giveaway #blogtour

The Row by J.R. Johansson
Source: YA Bound Book Tours
Format: ePub
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

A death sentence. A family torn apart. One girl’s hunt for the truth.

Seventeen-year-old Riley Beckett is no stranger to prison. Her father is a convicted serial killer on death row who has always maintained that he was falsely accused. Riley has never missed a single visit with her father. She wholeheartedly believes that he is innocent.

Then, a month before the execution date, Riley’s world is rocked when, in an attempt to help her move on, her father secretly confesses to her that he actually did carry out the murders. He takes it back almost immediately, but she cannot forget what he’s told her. Determined to uncover the truth for her own sake, she discovers something that will forever change everything she’s believed about the family she loves. 


My Review
A well told story. In this novel we meet Riley. Her father has been on death row for the last eleven years. He has finally reached his last appeal unfortunately things didn't go well in court. Having given up hope, Riley's dad drops a bomb. He confesses. Now Riley doesn't know what to believe. She decides the only way to have peace of mind, the only way to move forward, is to know the truth.

I got to say I really love the story. It flowed great, barely lagging. I could relate to Riley in some ways and not so much in others. Having someone in jail and having to do that time 'with' them is a hard thing to do. I would imagine more so when you believe the person is innocent. On the other hand, I found her reaction to her parent 'realness' a bit youngish.

I know that we build our parents up in our minds afterall, they are our parents. They are also human and as a teenager I'm sure she found herself lying to her mom on several occasions. Anyway, that sort of bothered me about her character given her age. I cut her some slack since finding out that someone you thought you knew isn't at all that way would be a shock to anyone at any age.

The love interest in this book, Jordan. I liked but would have been suspicious of. He turned out to be helpful in the end but really was a side note to the story. And when I say love interest there isn't any sexual relations going on in this book. That's right, if you are looking for one little kissy poo moment this is the read for you. It is all about the main story. Whether or not her father is guilty of the crime he has been convicted of...dun dun dun

About the Author
J.R. Johansson's books have been published in a dozen languages and more than twenty countries worldwide. She has a B.S. degree in public relations and a background in marketing. She credits her abnormal psychology minor with inspiring many of her characters. She lives in Utah with two sons, a wonderful husband, three cats, and a hot tub named Valentino.

She is represented by the stellar Kathleen Rushall of Andrea Brown Literary Agency.

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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Blog Tour: The Truth She Knew by J.A. Owenby

@JAowenby @xpressoreads #blogtour

The Truth She Knew by J.A. Owenby
Pages: 238
Publisher: Self Published
Source: YA Bound Book Tours
Format: ePub
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆

Mama didn’t want me. In fact, she would’ve traded my soul back for someone different if God would’ve let her, but he didn’t, so she was stuck with me.
For eighteen-year-old Lacey, life at home is a rollercoaster. She doesn’t think she’ll ever be good enough to truly deserve Mama’s love.

But when Lacey enters college and meets Walker, everything starts to change. Suddenly, Lacey is face to face with the realization that maybe what she’s always seen as normal really isn’t. Her entire life—and everything she’s ever believed about herself and her family—is abruptly hanging in midair.

Lacey is left facing two paths, and she has to make a choice. The first means walking away from everything she’s ever known. The other means never really knowing the truth.

The Truth She Knew offers an honest and powerful glimpse into mental illness, the meaning of true love, and the psychological waltz that a daughter dances as she endures her mother’s unpredictable emotions, manipulation, and abuse.

Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

My Review
I have conflicted feeling towards this book. It mostly has the do with the main character. I couldn't relate to her. I keep wanting to say "you do know you can leave right" but then I would remember that she has grown up with this craziness. Remembering that you can't walk away from something that have been brainwashed into your head by the most important person in your life.

I also didn't care too much for the romance. While there were 'dreamy' Walker moments his character was just unbelievable to be. I also found the dialogue more like a p.s.a. than said in a way that many people would've said it. I'm also glad with what happened in regards to Lacey and Walker's relationship.

I like the concept the story. And when I was able to remind myself that this may be how someone who was brought up in an environment like Lacey's would react  I was able to enjoy the story. So as you can't tell I wasn't wowed by it but I liked enough to finish it. Liked Lacey enough to hope that in book two she is able to find a better life away at college.

About the Author

J. A. Owenby lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and two cats.

She’s a published author of six short stories and is beginning her first full length novel. J.A. doesn’t mess around when it comes to working with a professional team in order to present her best writing.

She also runs her own business and helps people find jobs they love as a professional resume writer.

She is an avid reader of thrillers, romance, new adult and young adult novels. She loves music, movies, and pop tarts. Her downtime consists of a beautiful summer evening, snuggling with her hubby outside underneath the stars. If it’s winter, listening to the rain and watching NFL football.

You can follow the events of her upcoming novel on

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My thoughts while reading

Reading Progress

08/26 marked as: currently-reading
08/26 page 44
18.0% "Mama sounds like Mama from Stephen King's Carrie"
08/26 page 57
23.0% "Walker, wow! think I would've ran like faster than Flo Jo"
08/26 page 80
33.0% "Ok, the aunt explains Walker's not running for the hills"
08/29 page 80

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