Monday, August 31, 2015

WRI Reviews: The Ugly Stepsister by Aya Ling

@ayalingling @XpressoReads #wrireviews #arcreview

The Ugly Stepsister by Aya Ling

Pages: 452
Publisher: Author Self Published
Source: Xpresso Reads Book Tours
Format: ePub

When Kat accidentally rips apart an old picture book, she's magically transported into the world of Cinderella--as Katriona, one of the ugly stepsisters! Life turns upside down now that she’s a highborn lady and must learn how to survive the social season, including how to get through the door in a huge metal hoop skirt. To get back, she'll have to complete the story, right to the end of happily ever after. But the odds are huge: the other stepsister is drop-dead gorgeous, the fairy godmother is nowhere to be found, and the prince, despite being insanely hot, openly dislikes balls. Can she ever return to the modern world?


My Review

This is a fairy tale retelling. Kat bumps her head and wakes up as the ugly stepsister. There is a prince, Cinderella, palace, and a ball. Everything else has a twist. The story even includes a goblin. Kat is told early on what she has to do to get back home. Unfortunately, things doesn't go exactly how she remembers the book going.

What I liked about the book is that it twist the original characters around. Like the stepsister is pretty while only she is unattractive (even though she just isn't as attractive as her sister). I like that Kat is strong and willing to put herself in predicaments in order to help others.

What I didn't like about the story is that for a smart girl she just couldn't get the concept that certain things were the norm during those times. She kept saying thing that were modern concepts and surprised other didn't feel the same way. For a character that is supposed to be a heavy reader should should have known the customs of the time she was in.

In the end, I liked the story. I thought it was a very well done retelling. It kept the essence of the story while making it different enough to keep you interested. There were times when I found her annoying but again not enough to stop reading the novel. Should you read it? Yes especially if you are into retellings.

About the Author

Aya is from Taiwan, where she struggles daily to contain her obsession with mouthwatering and unhealthy foods. Often she will devour a good book instead. Her favorite books include martial arts romances, fairy tale retellings, high fantasy, cozy mysteries, and manga.

Her latest release is a Cinderella retelling in which a modern day girl ends up in the fairy tale world as the ugly stepsister. Visit for more information!

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*If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books through the links provided. Thank you for stopping by. Comment, Share, and Happy Reading!
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Book Blitz: Hypton 14 by Morgan Hadley

#giveaway #bookblitz


Hypton 14 by Morgan Hadley 
Publication date: March 19th 2015
Genres: Adult, Science Fiction, Thriller

…The hungry ones want in…..

It’s 9012, and inside the life-sustaining bio-dome, human men have been extinct for thousands of years. The women have replaced them with sexy robotic male companions, programmed to cook, clean, and satisfy their owners’ most intimate personal requirements.

But there are more creatures left alive outside than anyone ever thought possible.
And some of them want to come in.


"You're trying to buy a Hypton, and all you have is two hundred dollars?" 
Lyssa took a deep breath and hoped the shopkeeper didn't notice her shaking hands. She'd taken a big swallow of vodka, for courage, before coming out of the transpod. "It's all I have."
"Don't rich girls like you get shiny new ones for your Sweet 16?" The shopkeeper leaned forward, sneering, and Lyssa could see how aged she looked. 
She must not be able to afford the treatments, Lyssa thought. Or maybe she didn't have a spare body to transfer into. What would it be like, she wondered, knowing that once your body wore out, that was the end of you? 
The other girl, the one hanging some clothes in the back, snorted out a laugh, looking sideways at her coworker.
Lyssa stood up straighter. She'd worn her shabbiest clothing, her old black leggings and boots and a thick, black jacket. Her hair, usually styled and shiny, was piled messily on top of her head and stuffed under a plain black headband. She was trying not to stand out, but she must have done something wrong, because these north-enders were looking at her like she was tonight's dinner. 
They could tell she didn't belong here, and now she wished she hadn't come at all. 
"No," she said, looking straight at her, "not me." 
"For two hundred dollars, you could rent one for a couple of hours. There's an office in back where you can be alone with it, if you can get it to power up." The woman came out from behind the counter, and the girl from the back was slowly making her way up front. "Are you sure that's all you have, then? I like your jacket. It looks real, not printed." She reached out a hand toward Lyssa's coat.
Shit, I should never have come here. "My cousin Janie said I should be able to get one for about that much. I don't feel like waiting for my Aunt Connie to buy me one."
The woman blinked, and the other girl paused for a moment, then went back to adjusting the hangers. 
"Janie sent you?"
"Well, it was one of the stores she mentioned. She said I could trust this place to give me a fair price."
They all knew it was a lie, but the woman nodded her head sadly. She didn't want to be visited by the perimeter guard. Nobody did. 

About the Author
I am the author of the futuristic thriller Hypton 14, and I'm writing the sequel next. 
Find out when my new books are coming out by following me on Amazon, or stop by my website at to sign up for the e-mail list. 
Thank you for your interest!

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

My To Be Read List - Book Review: Spearwood Academy by A.S. Oren

@Limabean74 #mytbr #mytbrlist

The Book

Spearwood Academy by A.S. Oren
Avalon Clementine, the first female of her kind, is painfully cursed to turn into her dragon form every night. She has so many questions about who she is and why her parents abandoned her days after she was born. 

It seems as if someone has been listening and she may get a chance to learn about her past, but at what price? Will the all boys school of Spearwood Academy really help her? Will she even survive the first week? 

Amazon  *  iBOOKS  *  Kobo  *  Nook

My Review
The Review
I didn't pay that close of attention to the cover. I noticed the cover after all that's why I downloaded the book actually. I didn't notice the dragons until I went to start reading. Knowing me, I probably assumed they were leaves on the apple. Anyways...

This is book 1. Why is it that a lot of authors make the first book an introductory book. Even if a book is part of a series it should still be it's own book. No really, it should. In this book, we are basically introduced to the main characters. It also established the type of world the story will take place in for the rest of the series.

The only thing we learn in this book is that there is a rich boarding school of dragon shapeshifters, Avvi is rare because there aren't any female dragon shifters, Avvi transformation is not the norm in terms of how she shifts, and Avvi is a Harry Potter fan. The books leaves a lot of questions to be answered in the next book. 

I don't like cliffhangers but I can tolerate them. The thing with a book with a cliffhanger is that the book should be good enough to make the reader want to read the next one. I may read the next book at some point but if I don't get around to it I doubt I'll notice. I felt no connection to the characters and was only mildly interested in the story. It left me feeling like 'eh'. So this was a miss for me but if you have read it leave your thoughts and/or links to your review in the comment section. Til next time...Happy Reading!

Rating: ★★ 

Like to join the fun? Here's how it works.

Each month you will make a post with three books from your TBR List (these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and add your link on the linky that will be provided on Because Reading post.

Your followers and the people on the linky will help you choose which book you will read next.

The following Saturday you will announce the book that won. Then read the book.

On the last Saturday of the month post a review (with an optional giveaway, Michelle at Because Reading does this sometimes just for fun but you don’t have to).

The Rules

Ex. Lets say its September…
The first Saturday is the 6th – your post will go up with the 3 books you choose (as stated above these books can be already on your kindle or shelf or books you might want to purchase) and then link it to the linky on Because Reading blog.
     Her post will go up at 5am est. Make sure your link your post back to it in order to have your followers        visit other people’s blogs to help vote if they want.

     You can do the Polling however you would like. Survey Monkey, it has a good one and it’s free (here is        an EXAMPLE of Michelle's post). You can set it up and say whatever you would like – it’s totally up to        you. All this is asked is that you link back to Because Reading.

The second Saturday is the 13th – this is the day you announce which book won and whatever else you would like.
     (here is an EXAMPLE of Michelle's post). Her post will have a linky, so we can all easily see what                everyone will be reading.

The third Saturday is the 20th– you don’t have to post anything

The fourth (and/or last) Saturday is the 27th– this is when your review will go up regardless of how you liked the book.
     Please note even if you didn’t finished it just write a small post about how you felt about the book.                Michelle don’t write DNF reviews, but she does for this feature so followers can see what she thought          about the book they picked.

Some months have 4 weeks and some have five so a post always has to go up the First and Second Saturday and the last Saturday of the month

The final review post will also have a linky on it so you can link up your reviews and we can see what you thought of the book that was picked. This will draw some views to your blog and maybe find some new friends along the way.

*If you would like to would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books from the links provided. Thank you for stopping by. Comment, Share and Happy Reading!

Friday, August 28, 2015

WRI Reviews: Ignite the Shadows by Ingrid Seymour

@ingrid_seymour @HarperCollins #bookreview #alieninvasion

Ignite the Shadows by Ingrid Seymour
Pages: 400
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Source: Xpresso Reads Book Tours
Format: ePub
Rating: ☆☆

Sixteen-year-old Marci Guerrero is one of the best teen hackers in Seattle. However, she’d give up all her talents to know she isn’t crazy.

Marci feels possessed by shadowy spectres that take control of her body and make her do crazy things. While spying on the clandestine group known as IgNiTe, she is confronted by their mysterious leader, James McCray. His presence stirs the spectres inside her brain into a maddening frenzy. Her symptoms and ability to control them don’t go unnoticed by James, who soon recruits her. As IgNiTe reveals its secrets, Marci starts to realise that half the world’s population is infected with sentient parasites, which are attacking and eventually supplanting the human brain.

Now Marci wishes she was crazy, because this truth is far worse . . .


Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

My Review
This was a slow paced book for me. Marci has these moments were feels the shadowy beings taking over. She doesn't tell anyone because she thinks that'll call her crazy. Then one day she finds out that she is not the only one. You would think that is a comforting thought but it's not. The truth of not being crazy is worse than she could have imagined.

Recruited into a group that is working to fight against this alien species, she has to learn to work with the shadow she fought so long against. Oh and there are people in the group you don't know the whole story about some of their member. All sounds very exciting don't it. However, even with all that happening I still could not connect with the story.

I still have no clear picture as to what these beings look like. The book ends in a cliffhanger so maybe it will remedy that problem for me. We all know that eventually I will read book two as my bookish O.C.D. demands I do but it's not something I'll probably run out to get. Sad because I really looked forward to reading this book. 

About the Author
Ingrid Seymour loves, loves, loves to write. She's a young and new adult author. She writes in a variety of genres including romance, urban fantasy, paranormal and horror. She loves pizza and sushi, Sunkist and gum. She believes in vampires, witches, but not zombies (uh-uh, never!) She writes to loud music, daydreams constantly and spends too much time in twitter!! Find her there? ;)

Ingrid has incredible fun doing what she does, but more than anything she enjoys hearing from her readers. It's a dream come true.

Author Links
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*This is an ARC review
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books through the links provided. Thank you for stopping by. Comment, Share, and Happy Reading!
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

WRI Reviews: The Body Institute by Carol Riggs

@Artzicarol @elliebeereader @entangledpub #bookreview #bodyshaper

The Body Institute by Carol Riggs
Pages: 368
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Source: Entangled Teen
Format: ePub
Rating: ☆☆☆


Meet Morgan Dey, one of the top teen Reducers at The Body Institute.

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, Morgan can temporarily take over another girl's body, get her in shape, and then return to her own body-leaving her client slimmer, more toned, and feeling great. Only there are a few catches...

For one, Morgan won't remember what happens in her "Loaner" body. Once she's done, she won't recall walks with her new friend Matt, conversations with the super-cute Reducer she's been text-flirting with, or the uneasy feeling she has that the director of The Body Institute is hiding something. Still, it's all worth it in the name of science. Until the glitches start...

Suddenly, residual memories from her Loaner are cropping up in Morgan's mind. She's feeling less like herself and more like someone else. And when protests from an anti-Body Institute organization threaten her safety, she'll have to decide if being a Reducer is worth the cost of her body and soul...

Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

My Review
Let's get in to it. Morgan is a Reducer. She has volunteered, for pay, to enter the body of overweight females in order to lose their weight for them. In this future, being unhealthy isn't illegal but extremely discouraged. It is like what some businesses and insurance companies are doing now, charging extra for unhealthy life choices. Each person has a weight range they are allowed to be in and if they go over it the a fined. This is where The Body Institute enter in. People who can afford it can have someone else live in their body while losing weight for them.

So here's my issue. Being your ideal weight is good for a person. However, weight and health are not the same thing. There are unhealthy skinny people like there are healthy overweight people. So to force people to be a certain weight is just vanity to me. Also as in most if not all dystopian books the government is infringing on citizens rights.

The book is an interesting concept. I think if it was available many people would go to the institute. Unfortunately, the pace was very slow. It picked a little around chapter 18 but it still stayed on the slower side for me. But that is where (chapter 18) the story get interesting and things start to happen because of course things are not what they appear to be at the institute.

The book doesn't end in a cliffhanger but there is some unfinished business that could be built upon if the authors chooses to do a second book. Should you read it? Sure especially if you are into dystopian novels. It may not top your list of favorite reads though I doubt it will be on the bottom of that list either. 

About the Author

Carol Riggs lives in the beautiful green state of Oregon, USA. She enjoys reading, drawing and painting, writing conferences, walking with her husband, and enjoying music and dance of all kinds. You will usually find her in her writing cave, surrounded by her dragon collection and the characters in her head.

Author Links
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*This is an ARC review
**If you would like to support this blog consider purchasing your books through the links provided. Thank you for stopping by. Comment, Share, and Happy Reading!
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2015 Discussion Challenge - How I Try To Stay On Schedule

@NicoleMHewitt @ShannonMiz #LetsDiscuss2015 

How I Try To Stay On Schedule

I used Google Calendar. It is one of the best free tools out there. When signing up for blitzes and tours I block off dates until things are confirmed. Meme are schedule there. I schedule my personal reads also otherwise I may not get to read books I just want to read.

Also another that has help is how I schedule my post. Blog tours are always at 7am unless I'm required to post earlier. Book Reviews (not connected to a blog tour) are posted on the hour. Meme are posted on the half hour. Tweets are posted at 15 and 45 mins past the hour.

So far the system has been working for me. I should note that I also have a paper planner but what is on there is exactly what is one my Google calendar.

 What to Join? Here’s All You Have to Do:

  • The 2015 Book Blog Discussion Challenge runs from January 1st until December 31st, 2015.
  • Sign-ups will remain open until December 31st, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Central. (So, you can sign up all year long! Come join us!)
  • You DO NOT have to have a book blog to join this challenge. If you don’t have a book blog, you may link up to discussions that you’ve started on Goodreads groups.
  • Create a sign-up post announcing your intention to participate and link up below. If you do not have a blog, you can link up to your Goodreads profile. There is no need to say what your discussion posts will be about – just tell us that you’re joining and let us know what your goal is.
  • Please link back to both challenge hosts and include the challenge button in your sign-up posts.
  • Every month, we’ll update this 2015 Book Blog Challenge Page with the links to that month’s Challenge linky – so you’ll always know where to find the latest link-up!
  • Share it! The more people we get to participate in this, the more awesome discussions we can all be a part of and the more fun it will be! So, invite your friends to join us!
  • This challenge is to help get us discussing books and book blogging, so talk about whatever you want as long as it’s relevant to book blogging. Discussions can be book related or book blogging related (or generally blogging related – no discussions about things that are completely off-topic like travel or fashion, etc). Discussions can also be about you personally if it’s a get-to-know-you type post.
  • There will be a kick-off post on January 1, 2015 on both Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight where you’ll be able to leave your links for any January discussions. At the beginning of every month, a new post will go up  on both blogs for that month’s links.
  • If you forgot to leave your discussion link in the challenge month in which you posted the discussion or the linky list closed before you had a chance to leave it, you can leave it in a future month. (No duplicates though.)
  • There will also be monthly giveaways, so make sure you check in each month!
  • Use the hashtag #LetsDiscuss2015 to share your progress and connect with other participants on Twitter.
  • Have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments on hosts Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight blogs!

 The Levels:

1-12 – Discussion Dabbler
13-24 – Creative Conversationalist
25-36 – Chatty Kathy
37-48 – Terrifically Talkative
49+ – Gift of the Gab

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Book Blitz: Cage of Deceit by Jennifer Anne Davis

@AuthorJennifer #XpressoReads #giveaway #bookblitz

Cage of Deceit by Jennifer Anne Davis
(Reign of Secrets #1) 
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Publication date: August 25th 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Jennifer Anne Davis’ best-selling True Reign series captivated readers from the very first page. Now, get ready to become entangled in the follow-up series, Reign of Secrets. In this new series, follow Allyssa, the daughter of the beloved Emperor Darmik and Empress Rema— and find out what happens after happily ever after.

Seventeen-year-old Allyssa appears to be the ideal princess of Emperion—she’s beautiful, elegant, and refined. She spends her days locked in a suffocating cage, otherwise known as royal court. But at night, Allyssa uses her secret persona—that of a vigilante—to hunt down criminals and help her people firsthand.
Unfortunately, her nightly escapades will have to wait because the citizens of Emperion may need saving from something much bigger than common criminals. War is encroaching on their country and in order to protect her people, Allyssa may have to sacrifice her heart. Forced to entertain an alliance through marriage with a handsome prince from a neighboring kingdom, she finds herself feeling even more stifled than before. To make matters worse, the prince has stuck his nosy squire, Jarvik, to watch her every move.

Jarvik is infuriating, bossy and unfortunately, the only person she can turn to when she unveils a heinous plot. Together, the unlikely pair will have to work together to stop an enemy that everyone thought was long gone, one with the power to destroy her family and the people of Emperion. Now the cage Allyssa so longed to break free from might just be the one thing she has to fight to keep intact. In order to save her kingdom, she will have to sacrifice her freedom, her heart, and maybe even her life.

Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

Cafe Chat 
with Bunnita and our guest author Jennifer Anne Davis

Bunnita: What do you feel about the number '13'? 

Jennifer: When I was in high school, the first date I had with my now husband, was on Friday the thirteenth! So instead of being freaked out over the number, I love it!!  

Bunnita: What's the best thing that happened after your book was published? 

Jennifer: I love receiving messages from my readers telling me that my book has touched their lives. There’s nothing better than that! 

Bunnita: Do you read reviews of your books? 

Jennifer: Always. I want to know what my readers think. If they liked the story, I want to know why so I can make sure I keep doing it!! However, if there was a problem or something they didn’t like, I want to know so I don’t make the same mistake twice! 

Bunnita: What is your best or most unforgettable moment with a fan? 

Jennifer: I had a girl come up to me, in tears, saying that my book helped her get through some stuff she was dealing with personally. (My book deals with sexual assault, so hearing that I helped someone is beyond words.) 

Bunnita: Share us one embarrassing moment you've had. 

Jennifer: There’s been so many . . . how to choose only one?  

Bunnita: Favorite color? 

Jennifer: Blue 

Bunnita: Favorite movie?

Jennifer: Pride and Prejudice  

Bunnita: Favorite ice cream flavor?

Jennifer: Mint Chip 

Bunnita: Favorite song? 

Jennifer: Christina Perri, A Thousand Years 

About the Author
Jennifer graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in English and a teaching credential. Afterwards, she married her best friend and high school sweetheart. Jennifer is currently a full-time writer and mother of three young children. Her days are spent living in imaginary worlds and fueling her own kids’ creativity.

Author Links
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