Hogwarts Reading Challenge 2010 March 8 2010 to December 13 2010
Winner will be annouced on Jan 7th 2011 Christine T winner picked through random.org Congrats! I will contact you shortly with the link to your gift card.
giving eveyone time to check points and get them in so to those who I have reached out to please show me your books
In the Hogwarts Reading Challenge you are a student of the school. You will be sorted into houses. Each book you read must fit in to the subject of one the classes. You do not have to read books that fit all the subjects. Each book equals one point (toward the house cup).
You must read at least 5 books (audio books counts) before you are enter in to the drawing. At the end of the Challenge one person will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and one house will win the House Cup (purely a pride thing).
Check back regularly as there will be Mini Challenges. The first Mini Challenge will start on April 2nd. Come back to see what the challenge will be and it's incentive.
To be eligible to win prizes you must have a blog and sign up using Mr. Linky. Then start a Hogwarts Reading Challenge post and link it back to this post.
****Update you can be eligible for prize if you become a member of I Love Reading Challenges on Shelfari and keep the list of the books you read for this challenge under the Hogwarts Challenge post there. You can also become a fan of the I Love Reading Challenges Facebook fan page and keep you list there as well.
Click here to go to the Sorting Hat. Please be honest. If there are too many in one particular house you may be place into another. So if the Sorting Hat places you in Sytherin you are Sytherin for duration of this challenge.
Reading a Harry Potter book earns you 25 house points.
Have any questions leave them in a comment and I will get back to you. Have fun, good luck and Happy Reading!
The Houses
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin
The Classes
Transfiguration - read any book that has trans or figure in its title, is about shape shifting, has a shape shifter in it, or is about anything having to do with changing one thing into another
Defence Against the Dark Arts - read any book that has defence(defense), dark and/or art(s) in its title, read any book that is about self defense, war, history of war/marital arts, murder mysteries
Charms - read any book that has charm in its title, any book that deals with gives something or someone a new aspect (for example the nerdy guy become a handsome doctor)
Potions - read any book that has potion in its title, cookbooks count but you must cook at least one recipe out of the book
Astronomy - read any book that has astronomy in its title, books about planets, stars, etc, sci-fi
History of Magic - read any book that has history or magic in its title, books about magic, witches, etc
Herbology - read any book that has herb in its title, again cookbooks count and again you must cook at least one recipe out of the book
Arithmancy - read any book that has arithmancy in its title, any book with a number in its title, any book that deal with numbers or math
Ancient Runes - read any book that has ancient or runes in its title, books about historical places like the pyramids, Stonehenge, great wall of china, or any book about symbols
Divination - read any book that has divine in its title, any book about psychics or psychic abilities, tarot reading etc
Care of Magical Creatures - read any book that has magical or creatures in its title, about supernatural beings
Muggle Studies - nearly any book works here, what better why to understand Muggle than to read what they read How to list your books and keep track of points:
When you copy this post onto your blog just list the book you read for the challenge under the subject to which it fits. Please include the name of the book/author and the the date you finished reading it
History of Magic - read any book that has history or magic in its title, books about magic, witches, etc
-Tears of the Moon by Nora Roberts 3/12/2010