Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book Blitz: You Give Love a Bad Name by Marilyn Brant

@marilynbrant @xpressoreads #giveaway #bookblitz

You Give Love a Bad Name
Marilyn Brant
(Mirabelle Harbor #3)
Publication date: January 24th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
“Nothing but love, 24/7” is the slogan of Mirabelle Harbor’s only radio station, 102.5 “LOVE” FM. On the verge of turning thirty-five, local DJ Blake Michaelsen is well-known for several reasons: his very sexy on-air voice, his omnipresent family, his eligible bachelor status, and his reputation as one of the most impulsive men in Chicago’s northern suburbs.
High-school French teacher and lifelong romantic Vicky Bernier is not at all wild about people who exhibit reckless conduct. (Blake.) Or men who have gigantic egos. (Blake.) Or grownups who still act like teenagers. (Blake, again.) She deals with enough adolescent behavior during the school day. Unfortunately, she’s the staff advisor to the Homecoming Committee, and they’ve chosen him as their DJ for the big fall dance.
What happens when a man whose job it is to play love songs for a living is forced to admit his deepest secret—that he doesn’t believe in true love—only to discover that the one woman who might capture his heart is the same woman who distrusts him the most?
No matter what you call it, with love there’s an exception to every rule. YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME, a Mirabelle Harbor story.
**Note: YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME is Book 3 in Marilyn Brant’s Mirabelle Harbor series, but this story and all of the contemporary romances in this series can be enjoyed as stand-alone novels.
Other Books in the Series:
STRANGER ON THE SHORE (Coming Spring 2016)
And more…
One of the perks of working for a radio station was that it wasn’t a nine-to-five kind of job. There was some built-in variety.
So, after a long on-air rotation on Thursday, I was still technically on the clock when I arrived at Mirabelle Harbor High School around 3:15 p.m. and was greeted at the office by a chatty member of the Homecoming committee. Alexis something or other. She escorted me to the meeting location.
Whoa. And there was the French teacher babe, pacing in the middle of her classroom. Gotta love “community outreach” and the surprises it could bring. I had a fresh appreciation for the variety of my job. Spice. Of. Life.
I removed my baseball cap and slid off my sunglasses when the babe—Vicky—looked my way.
“Hey, there,” I said, extending my hand to her.
She looked at me suspiciously, like I might be holding a grenade or something. So I twisted my hand a bit, so she could see my open palm. Her smile seemed forced as she reached out to grasp it.
Small hands. Soft skin. So feminine. I reluctantly let go as she pulled away. She seemed a little off kilter, still staring strangely at me. I sent her my most charming smile.
She took a literal step back, cleared her throat, and said stiffly, “Hello, Mr. Michaelsen. I’m Vicky Bernier, staff advisor to the Homecoming committee.”
Very formal and controlled. Hmm, that was no fun. I wanted to throw her off balance again because she was cute when she was flustered and, hey, I was that kind of guy.
So I beamed an even bigger grin at her. “And you’re a friend of my sister’s,” I said, curious to see if that would disarm her or make her more concerned.
From the expression on her face, definitely the latter. Huh.
“Yes,” she said slowly. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Shar.”
Damn. What did my sister tell her to make her scowl at me like that? Couldn’t be good.
I turned my attention to the four teens in the classroom who were gaping at us like we were cast members on some reality TV dating show.
The chatty girl who’d met me at the office was the first to speak. “On behalf of the Homecoming committee, we’re all so glad you could meet with us today, Mr. Michaelsen. And we’re super psyched that you’ll be DJ’ing our dance.”
“Thanks for the warm welcome,” I replied. “And call me Blake. All of you. I promise we’ll make this fun.” But to myself I couldn’t help but add, Whether or not your teacher wants it to be…

Guest Post by Marilyn Brant
Has there ever been a story you’ve wanted to tell — one that hovers on the edges of your imagination for years and involves characters you feel you already know — but you just didn’t have quite the right setting or atmosphere or je ne sais quoi for them yet? For me, YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME started as one of those stories. I knew Blake Michaelsen, the local, radio DJ, very well. I knew Vicky Bernier, the high-school French teacher, too. And I sensed, like one of the matchmaking aunties in my family, that “they would be perfect together.” I just wasn’t sure which story world I wanted them to inhabit or what might realistically bring them into contact.
And for the longest time, there’s been a dog named “Winston” — one inspired by a real Havanese/Cockapoo puppy belonging a friend — that I longed to include in a book as well (cue the entrance of that adorable floppy-eared furball on the back of the paperback cover), but it wasn’t until I realized that Blake was his ideal owner and that Mirabelle Harbor was the ideal setting, that this story, its characters, and their conflict all came together. It was as if these players were meandering around in my mind…until they just so happened to cross paths in my fictional community and needed to start telling their tale.
Writing fiction can be like that—not all the time, but certainly sometimes. It’s almost like a slot machine with an unknown number of cherries, bars, bells, or sevens. We might test out different combinations or just hope for a lucky spin, but when we can get a good set of images to mentally line up, we hit a narrative jackpot of rightness — a spot where the separate elements coalesce into a complete story. For me, once a magical moment like that happens, I can never imagine pulling the pieces apart again. The formerly individual entities — in this case, Blake, Vicky, Winston, and the town of Mirabelle Harbor — locked into place like a row of 7s. And that cinched the direction of the novel.
I really hope you’ll love reading YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME as much as I loved writing it! Has there ever been a novel you had in your hands where — once you started reading it — you couldn’t imagine any other characters or setting for that particular tale? I’d love to hear about that ;). Wishing you a wonderful week!

Author Bio:
Marilyn Brant is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of contemporary women’s fiction, romantic comedy & mystery. She won RWA’s prestigious Golden Heart Award (2007) for her debut novel, According to Jane, and was named the Author of the Year (2013) by the Illinois Association of Teachers of English. She loves all things Jane Austen, has a passion for Sherlock Holmes, is a travel addict and a music junkie, and lives on chocolate and gelato. The Mirabelle Harbor series is her latest project. Visit her website:

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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Blog Tour: No Promises by N. Raines

@nonaraines @xpressoreads #giveaway #blogtour

No Promises by N. Raines
Pages: 166
Publisher: Nona Raines LLC
Source: Xpresso Reads Book Tours
Format: ePub
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

A new adult romance by multi published author Nona Raines writing as N. Raines
She never met a stray she didn't love…

In high school, Sam Pennywell had a massive crush on Rick Russo. But he was her cousin’s boyfriend and strictly off-limits. Meeting Rick again years later, she can hardly recognize the man he’s become.

As a paramedic, Rick’s career is all about helping others. But in the line of duty, he’s become one of the injured. He’s caught in a dark place he can’t escape on his own. He can't make Sam any promises of love. Promises are too easily broken.

Sam spends her life taking care of sick and homeless animals. She's never met a stray she didn't love, and Rick is the most important rescue she'll ever make.

Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

My Review
Yes! This is what I needed. I had been in a little bit if a reading funk. This snapped me right out of it. A romance page turner. Can you believe it? I promise, it's true. See what I did there. Made a promise about a book called No Promise. Ba da dum bum. Anyway...

Sam is such a likable character. Normally it annoys me when a character downs herself but with Sammy I get it. She had things that happen that shaped how she looked at herself. I can relate. I thought I was fat all throughout my tween and teen years. 

Looking back at it now I was no where near fat but when you are young what people say to you can influence you. Sammy came on to a friend only to have him make fun of her. No wonder she thinks her body is still that of her boyish high school self. 

Rick is the hot guy she crushed on. Coming off as a jerk at the beginning you come to realize he his lashing out to avoid his issues. He become the wounded heart throb. 

The relationship between Sammy and Rick isn't forced. It has a natural progression. You get to know Sammy as the strong naturing young woman who's also a daddy's girl. Rick is the protector who finds himself doubting his purpose.

I love the story, the romance, and the characters. All the characters even the bad ass cat named Big Boy. Are you a fan of romance novels? This is the perfect weekend read. Oh and guess love triangles.

About the Author
N. Raines (who also writes as Nona Raines) is a former librarian who lives in upstate New York with her many pets. She’s currently working on her next novel between walking the dog and shooing the cats off the laptop. Her erotic romances are published with The Wild  Rose Press and Loose Id. Her transgender romance His Kind of Woman was nominated for the 2014 DABWAHA sponsored by the Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books review blogs.  Her most recent work is the romance novella Write to Me and the transgender romance Her Kind of Man.

Author Links
Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Website

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I know that there have been few book reviews since the new year. I am working on my February posts right now in fact. Also you may have notice that there are some posts that are not book related. I hope you all do not mind. I thought it would be nice to break up review posts with posts that explore different topics.

I am not a movie buff but I do watch my fair share so Movie Mondays are to highlight the movies I have seen. I download a lot of games from the Google play store so Gaming/App posts are to let you all know which ones I have found to be fun.

This is still a book blog. The majority of posts on here will always be book related. I just wanted to touch base with you all. Until next time...Happy Reading!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

WRI Game On: Food Street Game App

#gameapp #foodstreet @supersolidgames 

Food Street
This game app is put out by supersolid
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ 

Food Street is a restaurant time management game. In this game you grow, cook, and serve food. Leveling up unlocks different food stations, food items, accessories, food truck, and the ability to participate in a food club (or start your own).

This is a pretty fun game. It can vary from casual to say medium competitive depending on if you decide to participate in the special event. I have just start this game and really like it. I am still a newbie but I'm giving it 4 stars. I will do another posts as I progress through the game so this rating may change. I will say that it seems that customer service is slow to response to questions. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt right now.

Food Street is fairly new. I think it has only been out since August of 2015 (Android version was released in November 2015). I'm upset that I didn't know about it sooner. I wouldn't have been able to do the Halloween event but It would have been nice to have done the Christmas one. I was able to do the Healthy Start event.

You do the same thing in an event that you do throughout the game. The only difference is that you have to reach level 18 and join a food club. I am in a food club called Cooking Maestros. During events your food club (right now max of 20 members) compete against other clubs in your rank. I am not sure how the clubs are ranked but it's nice to know that you are not competing against every single club the game has.

As stated above I will continue to do update posts. In my next post I will list the food stations and crops. It's a kid friendly game. Fun for all ages. I know I'm hooked.


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Monday, January 25, 2016

Blog Tour: The Memory of Light by Francisco X. Stork

#giveaway #blogtour #mentalillness

About the Book:
Author: Francisco X. Stork
Release Date: January 26, 2016
Pages: 336
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Source: RockStar Book Tour
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

When Vicky Cruz wakes up in the Lakeview Hospital Mental Disorders ward, she knows one thing: She can't even commit suicide right. But for once, a mistake works out well for her, as she meets Mona, the live wire; Gabriel, the saint; E.M., always angry; and Dr. Desai, a quiet force. With stories and honesty, kindness and hard work, they push her to reconsider her life before Lakeview, and offer her an acceptance she's never had. But Vicky's newfound peace is as fragile as the roses that grow around the hospital. And when a crisis forces the group to split up, sending her back to the life that drove her to suicide, Vicky must try to find the strength to carry on. She may not have it. She doesn't know. Inspired in part by the author's own experience with depression, The Memory of Light is the rare young adult novel that focuses not on the events leading up to a suicide attempt, but the recovery from one -- about living when life doesn't seem worth it, and how we go on anyway.

“The Memory of Light is filled with hard truths and beautiful revelations. It’s a beacon of hope for those in the dark of depression. This book just might save your life.” -Stephanie Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of Isla and the Happily Ever After.

“The Memory of Light takes you to that cold strange place that is depression. Vicky’s journey back from darkness doesn’t simplify or sentimentalize the effects of mental illness. Francisco Stork shows us the universe of the human mind, how it can be terrifyingly dark – and how in the company of the right kind heart – infinitely dazzling.” –Martha Brockenborough, author of the Game of Love and Death

“Stork further marks himself as a major voice in teen literature by delivering one of his richest and most emotionally charged novels yet.” — Kirkus, starred review -

“Various studies have estimated that perhaps as many as one in five teens has a diagnosable mental health problem; it’s a subject that needs the discussion Stork’s potent novel can readily provide.” — Publishers Weekly, starred review -

“Vicky’s story has undeniable emotional strength and an encouraging, compassionate message. Stork writes his characters with authenticity and respect… informative and highly rewarding.”
— Booklist, starred review

Amazon  -  Barnes and Noble  -  Kobo  -  iBooks

My Review
This is a difficult book to read if you have any experience with metal illness. It doesn't sugar coat the issue. It doesn't glamorize it. It is raw and real. If you see me, you'll see a person who is always smiling. You would think that I am one of those happy sunshiney people. A lot of the time I am. However, I have suffered from depression. I have had some really horrible times in my life and though I never acted on the thoughts some were suicidal. 

Vicky and even the others are written well. It's like peaking into someone life at their darkest moments but also getting to witness their struggle to see the light. All I can say is bravo. This isn't for the faint of heart. If you are a crier than bring out the box of tissues. I do recommend that your following read after this be a light romance or comedy. It's like when I watch Criminal Minds. I have to follow it up with something that lighten up the mood.

About the Author
About Francisco:
Francisco X. Stork is the author of the acclaimed Marcelo in the Real World which received five starred reviews and won the Schneider Family Book Award for Teens; The Last Summer of the Death Warriors, named a New York TimesEditors’ Choice selection; and Irises. He was born in Monterrey, Mexico, spent his teenage years in El Paso, Texas, and now lives outside Boston, Massachusetts, with his family. Visit him online at

Author Links
Twitter  -  Website  -  Goodreads

Giveaway Details:
5 winners will receive a finished copy of THE MEMORY OF LIGHT, US Only.

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Movie Monday: What Goes Around Comes Around

#moviemondays #stageplay

What Goes Around Comes Around
starring Wesley Jonathan and Reagan Gomez-Preston
Director: David E. Talbert
Writer: David E. Talbert
Release: March 6, 2012
Run Time: 78 minutes

David E. Talbert’s What Goes Around Comes Around is a hilarious “battle of the sexes” tale. Ladies man, Tyree Jackson (Wesley Jonathan – Roll Bounce, City Guys), and his live in girlfriend, Desirae Baxter (Reagan Gomez – The Parenthood, The Cleveland Show) are having problems because Tyree thinks his only job is to sneak women in and out of his apartment while Desirae is at work. Tired of his philandering ways, Desirae and her girlfriends devise a plan that will give Tyree a taste of his own medicine. This all-star cast also stars comedians Tony Rock (All of Us), Lavell Crawford (Shaq’s Comedy All-Stars), and film and television stars BeBe Drake (Martin, Friday After Next) and Tico Wells (Five Heartbeats).

Purchase Links
Amazon  -  Walmart  -  iTunes

This was a surprising movie. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. It had some really funny moments. Tyree is a user. Desirae is the girlfriend who plays for everything thinking that she is being the supportive. Tyree takes advantage and when Desirae says she leaving town to visit family he see it has his chance to get a little side chick action. Desirae returns home early and not only does Tyree get caught, he finds out that what goes around comes around. This isn't a gospel stage play a nice change.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snowpocalypse 2016 Read-A-Thon


The storm is starting to shutting things down, I think I'll use the time to catch up on some reading. Want to join me?
This readathon is just for fun so no need for a signup page, you can use just link you blog homepage, Twitter, Tumblr or Goodreads.

Readathon starts tonight until Sunday midnight in whichever time zone you are in.

use the hashtag #snowpocalypserat
Happy Reading All

So I fail miserably at my own readathon. What happened? I got side track with a new game called Food Street. Click here to find out about it. It has me in it's clutches.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Discussion with WRI: Getting Lost In A Book

@NicoleMHewitt @ShannonMiz #LetsDiscuss2016 

This is how I get lost in dystopian fiction mostly of the ya a genre.

I saw a topic going around about how a reader get lost in a book. I decide to chime in. So here goes. 80% of my reads have been young adult. Dystopian being my favorite sub genre. I have seen comments where people say that can't imagine some of these worlds.

I go into reading a dystopian novel like this. I read the synopsis not to find out what the book is about but to get a sense of the setting that way I get my mind ready. So once I started the book I'm imagining that I am already living in this setting. It is where I lived. I is what I have experienced. Going into a book this way helps you not to thinking about if this setting/world could actual exist. You are shutting down the left side of your brain and letting that right side take over. 

All aspects of a book is important. If one is severely lacking in impacts the entire feel of the book. With that said, I love a character driven novel. I want to connect with at least one character. I either need to feel like I am the character, a friend of the character, or even a invisible force following along. My mind take the words and those words become motion. I can see what I am reading. If I feel like I'm reading a 5 star rating is already lost.

That is it. I go into a book with the mindset that whatever is happening in the book is happening for real.

Your turn: How do you get lost in a book? 

 What to Join? Here’s All You Have to Do:

  • The 2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge runs from January 1st until December 31st, 2016.
  • Sign-ups will remain open until December 31st, 2016 at 11:59 p.m. Central. (So, you can sign up all year long! Come join us!)
  • You DO NOT have to have a book blog to join this challenge. If you don’t have a book blog, you may link up to discussions that you’ve started on Goodreads groups.
  • Create a sign-up post announcing your intention to participate and link up below. If you do not have a blog, you can link up to your Goodreads profile. There is no need to say what your discussion posts will be about – just tell us that you’re joining and let us know what your goal is.
  • Please link back to both challenge hosts and include the challenge button in your sign-up posts.
  • Every month, we’ll update this 2016 Book Blog Challenge Page with the links to that month’s Challenge linky – so you’ll always know where to find the latest link-up!
  • Share it! The more people we get to participate in this, the more awesome discussions we can all be a part of and the more fun it will be! So, invite your friends to join us!
  • This challenge is to help get us discussing books and book blogging, so talk about whatever you want as long as it’s relevant to book blogging. Discussions can be book related or book blogging related (or generally blogging related – no discussions about things that are completely off-topic like travel or fashion, etc). Discussions can also be about you personally if it’s a get-to-know-you type post.
  • There will be a kick-off post on January 1, 2016 on both Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight where you’ll be able to leave your links for any January discussions. At the beginning of every month, a new post will go up  on both blogs for that month’s links.
  • If you forgot to leave your discussion link in the challenge month in which you posted the discussion or the linky list closed before you had a chance to leave it, you can leave it in a future month. (No duplicates though.)
  • There will also be monthly giveaways, so make sure you check in each month!
  • Use the hashtag #LetsDiscuss2016 to share your progress and connect with other participants on Twitter.
  • Have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments on hosts Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight blogs!

 The Levels:

1-12 – Discussion Dabbler
13-24 – Creative Conversationalist
25-36 – Chatty Kathy
37-48 – Terrifically Talkative
49+ – Gift of the Gab
I'm going for Gift of the Gab

Past Posts
Giving Up On A Series That's Too Long

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