Readers of Romance Book Challenges a Shelfari group
Summer 2012
This challenge will run June, July and August!
1. Title the includes a Flower
2. Title the includes the word 'Love'
3. Title that has a wedding word
4. Title with a Color word
5. Book with a one word title
6. Read one new author
7. Title the inlcudes the word Prince or Princess
8. Title with a jewel in the title
9. Title with a word that makes you think summer
10. Title includes a 'W' word any word
11. Title that includes a number
12. Title with a time word
13. Title with Lord or Lady in the title
14. Author whose first or last names starts with 'J'
The Rocky Road to Romance by Janet Evanovich
15. Author whose first or last names starts with 'A'
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Kill Switch by Baer & Greene
Kill Switch
By Neal Baer and Jonathan Greene
Narrator: Bernadette Dunne
Rating: 3 stars (2.8)
Overview (from Barnes and Noble)
A heart-pounding glimpse into the world of forensic psychiatry, Kill Switch marks the powerful fiction debut of Neal Baer and Jonathan Greene—former executive producers of television's acclaimed Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Filled with breakneck suspense, vivid characters, and riveting detail, it is a mindbending thriller you'll never forget. . .
Meet Claire Waters, a young, dedicated forensic psychiatrist with unnervingly personal insights into the criminal mind. Haunted by a disturbing childhood incident—and driven by her demons—Claire has always been drawn to those rare "untreatable" patients who seem to have no conscience or fear. She has a natural ability to put people at ease, to help them face their darkest secrets. But one shocking case could make or break her career—and it's waiting for her in the psychiatric wing of New York City's Rikers Island.
His name is Quimby. A deranged inmate whose boyish good looks hide a sordid history of dysfunction and abuse, Quimby triggers something in Claire she'd rather not face. As she tries to unlock Quimby's past, she unwittingly reveals her own painful secrets—leaving herself dangerously vulnerable. For Claire, the patient's obsessions are just the beginning. When the case propels her into the mind of another killer—a homicidal maniac who's watching her every move—it could only end in madness, or murder, or both. . .
Brilliantly constructed and breathtakingly suspenseful, Kill Switch is a masterful combination of murder, mystery, and modern forensics that will keep you turning the pages to the final shocking conclusion.
My Review
Claire Waters has accepted a fellowship working with inmates at Rikers Island. Her first patient, Quimby, reminds her of deed seeded emotions from her childhood. When a blond turns up dead Quimby is the likely suspect. Waters being hard headed and quite frankly too nosy dives head first into the case. Detective Lawler is assigned to the case after returning from one personal tragedy and going through another. Lawler and Water work together to find the serial killer who may turn out not to be Quimby after all while coming to terms with their own personal demons.
Ok this book had action. It kept you engaged all the way through. There are many side stories. Fortunately they are all intertwined so it works. Main story: the serial killings. Side story A (strongly linked to main story): Claire’s friend from childhood being abducted. Side story B (weakly linked to main story): Lawler career ending medical condition.
The way the story is written is choppy in the beginning. The purpose for the choppiness is clear, it is written that way to show the confusion that Waters is experiencing. The rest of the book is written in alternating point of views of Waters and Lawlers. There isn’t much character development for any of the characters. You know what ails them but you don’t know them. The book is about events that happened, how they happened, and how they are solved period. Overall, it’s a good read. Or in this case a good listen.
Plot: 3 Writing: 3 Characters: 2 Other: 3* Overall feel: 3**
*side story B was unnecessary to the story. If he didn’t have the medical problem and was just a regular detective the story would have still worked
** I was interested but it didn’t bother me if I had to put it on pause
Mixing It Up 2012
2012 Support Your Local Library
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Lusting For Covers #3
Unlovable: Book One of The Port Fare Series by Sherry Gammon
I like this cover because the background plus I have a things for swings.
Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.
Here's what
you do:
Take the graphic (code for it is below) to use on your post. Remember to give
credit to the original host (TBQ).
Choose your own book cover that you've fallen in "lust" with in the past week.
It can be new, old, a reprint, or even a book that is not yet out-- it's all up
to you! If you find a cover that catches your eye, then showcase it on your
blog, and let others see the pretty covers out
3- Copy the direct link to your own L4C post into the Mr. Linky widget at the bottom of this week's post and allow others to come and see what you picked!
4- (OPTIONAL): Besides posting the picture of the book cover you chose, it's nice to provide the book summary, title, author, or a website link for the book. It's not required, but it can help you readers' to add more books to their own list! A brief "Why I choose this cover" is also appreciated, but not required.
Also, if you wish to post your links or talk about L4C on Twitter, please use the tag #LustingForCovers so that we can easily find all tweets about it. :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Shoot the Breeze #1
Shooting the Breeze
So I know what you all are saying. There have been more postings on this blog but it's mostly memes, where's the reviews? Well I have been reading...well listening to books so I have many to review. I am working on a way to make my reviews better. So I have be blog hopping look at what others are doing. I have learned that I like the more conversational style of reviews. I think I already do that to some extent here but it still needs more substance.
I also like Roof Beam Reader system of rating. So I will incorporate something like that in my reviews as well. I hope he doesn't mind. I have been taking these elements (plot, characters, writing, and other small things that make the book) into consideration but I never though to rate them separately to come up with an average. I think it makes for a better rating of a book. My reviews will still be based on the feel of the book. I do not read for academic purposes, or to find a literary master piece. I read to lose myself in the book.
Therefore all my categories are still pretty much based in emotions. For example, the writing category, I am not some much concern with technical aspects of writing as I am with the ease and pace of reading. If the writing is distracting or hard to follow that is a problem for me. I am not all that concern with whether or not it switches from first to third person narration or from present to past tense.
My overall rating system is still 1-5
- poor
- needs work
- average
- above average
- excellent
rating system
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
W...W...W...Wednesdays #3
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions… • What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next?
• What are you currently reading?
audiobook: Dismissed with Prejudice
ebook: Virals (yes, still)
• What did you recently finish reading?
audiobook: Improbable Cause
• What do you think you’ll read next?
paperback: Love Overboard
*On another note I have one review done! (9 more to go o_O) Check Saturdays Shoot the Breeze for details
Monday, July 23, 2012
Monday Meeting #2
the past week:
I didn't read much last week enough I was participating in HS Read-a-thon.
I finished A more Perfect Union and Improbable Cause both audio books.
this week:
I hope to finish Virals and Love Overboard and maybe finish up City of Bones.
I need to write up 8 - 10 reviews
A busy week for sure. Now let's see what I actually get done. I would be happy with just finishing one book and 2 reviews.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Hush, Hush by
Becca Fitzpatrick
Book 1 in series
Paperback: 391pgs
Rating: 4 stars
From back of book:
When Nora and Patch are forced together as lab partners, Nora would rather fall to her death than put up with his elusive answers to her questions, his teasing, and his infuriatingly handsome face and hypnotizing eyes. It seems Patch was put on earth just to drive her crazy.But before long, Nora's defenses start to break down as her curiosity about Patch heats up. Why does he always seem to be wherever she is and know exactly what she's thinking? How does he know what to say to both attract and repulse here? And what is up with thos V-shaped scars on his chiseled back?
As their connection grows stronger. Nora's own life becomes increasingly fragile. Nora needs to decide: Is Patch the one who wants to do her harm or the one who will keep her safe? Has she fallen for one-of-the-fallen?
My Review:
A love story that includes teenagers, angels, and nephilim.
Nora has always been a good student. The type of daughter any parent would
dream to have. She is reliable and does pretty much as she is told. That is
until Patch. Patch a bad boy. Just how bad Nora has no idea but she does know
that it would be a good idea to avoid him. There’s only one problem. Patch
seems to be everywhere she is. And to make matters worse, someone is following
her intent on doing her harm.
Hush, Hush is an interesting love story. The suspense kept
the story moving forward though I never for a minute thought that Patch would
hurt Nora. What I didn’t like about the story was the way Nora rationalize her
fear of Patch. You should never be with someone you don’t feel safe with. Bad
boys are bad to others not to you…those would be jerks and who wants to be with
a jerk. Also I wasn’t so crazed about the character Vee. There were many times
I just wanted to slap her. Ignoring a news article is one thing but trying to
convince a friend to go out with a guy who slammed her up against her house
well, that’s selfish. I am looking forward to reading book 2 Silence. TBR#2
Fun and Games 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Follow Friday #4
Their featured bloggers (a different one for both sites) Parajunkee's View & Alison Can Read
To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:- (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
- (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
- If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn’t have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers
- If you’re new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
Q: Christmas in July! Someone gives you a gift card for two books (whatever that costs). What two books will you buy?
A: I haven't been reading any Urban/Street fiction lately so I would like to catch up. So my two would be
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Thrifty Thursday #1
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
W...W...W...Wednesdays #2
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions… • What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next?
• What are you currently reading?
audiobook: A More Perfect Union
ebook: Virals
• What did you recently finish reading?
audiobook: Trial by Fury
paperback: A Rocy Road Romance
• What do you think you’ll read next?
paperback: Love Overboard
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Lusting For Covers #2
Click here to go to the author's website
I likek the first cover the best. The red just stands out. Plus I am a sucker for snowy winter scenes. though I don't care to much for winter or snow (funny cause I live in Boston).
Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.
Here's what
you do:
Take the graphic (code for it is below) to use on your post. Remember to give
credit to the original host (TBQ).
Choose your own book cover that you've fallen in "lust" with in the past week.
It can be new, old, a reprint, or even a book that is not yet out-- it's all up
to you! If you find a cover that catches your eye, then showcase it on your
blog, and let others see the pretty covers out there.
3- Copy the direct link to your own L4C post into the Mr. Linky widget at the bottom of this week's post and allow others to come and see what you picked!
4- (OPTIONAL): Besides posting the picture of the book cover you chose, it's nice to provide the book summary, title, author, or a website link for the book. It's not required, but it can help you readers' to add more books to their own list! A brief "Why I choose this cover" is also appreciated, but not required.
Also, if you wish to post your links or talk about L4C on Twitter, please use the tag #LustingForCovers so that we can easily find all tweets about it. :)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Follow Friday #3
To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:- (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
- (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
- If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn’t have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers
- If you’re new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
Our Feature – Vivian @ Vivaciously, Vivian
When did you start blogging?I started my first blog on WordPress in 2008, back when I was a pretty clueless 8th grader, haha! My book blog was officially created on February 10th, 2012. I’m still quite a baby, so feel free to throw criticism in my way!
What is your favourite part of book blogging?
The connection between fellow bloggers, definitely. It’s said so often because it’s absolutely true! Especially since I don’t have many friends in the real world who are huge fans of books, book blogging has led me to meet so many wonderful individuals. Reading the posts of fellow bloggers as well as their comments on my posts fill me with a special sort of happiness. Sorry if that sounds a bit mushy -blush- but I really mean it. I’ve joined many online worlds, but this is the first virtual world that I’ve joined that offers such a strong feeling of support, spirit, and love. It’s really amazing!
What is your favourite book(s)?
To choose absolute favourites, wow. “Anne of Green Gables” (as well as all the follow up books on Anne) by Lucy M. Montgomery will always take up a big chunk of my book-lover’s heart! In modern-day times, I love anything written by Shannon Hale, but particularly “River Secrets”! Of course, countless more books have stolen my heart, but to be honest, these two have always shone a tad bit brighter for me!
What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?
The voice of my starving love for books is finally being heard by others but also myself. As I’ve also mentioned in my answer to the featured question, there was a gap of a few years that I just felt so detached from books, I was so ashamed of myself for it. After starting book blogging, there has not been a day that I’ve spent time reading, or even writing a review. I’m so grateful that I’ve opened up again to all books. That’s, of course, not just from blogging by myself, but also from all of you other bloggers for inspiring me to, so thank you!
Q: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place?
Reading other blogs. And I like the idea of sharing my thoughts on books.
Follow Me Friday,
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Once Upon a Read-a-thon Update #1
It's time for sign ups for the third annual Once Upon a Readathon! This Readathon is hosted by Lori at Pure Imagination, Angela at Reading Angel and Candace's Book Blog. It runs from 12:01 am on July 9th to 11:59 on July 11th.
What is a Readathon?
A Readathon is where you set a goal for yourself to read more books that is beyond your average number of books you read. There is no minimum, it's all up to you! Push yourself to get some of those books read that have been sitting on your shelves for awhile! You can read anything you like. Any genre, any subject.
What you do:
To participate in the Once Upon a Readathon you enter into the linky. It's the same linky on all their blogs, so only enter into it ONCE! Then grab the button and post it on your sidebar to spread the word and so you don't forget. Then, from 12:01 am on July 9th to 11:59 pm on July 11th you read, read, and read some more! Make sure you do at least one update post (if you don't have a blog you may do this on facebook and/or twitter) and participate in at least one challenge.
What you get:
They have one giant giveaway planned that you won't want to miss out on! Lori, Angela and Candace will be giving away a $60 gift card to amazon or Barnes & Noble (or The Book Depository if you're international). There may be some other giveaways as well with the challenges. You are only eligible if you do at least one update post and participate in at least one challenge. They will check!
My List:
Today July 9th
physical book: The Rocky Road to Romance
audio book: Kill Switch, The First Part Last
ebook: Virals
Today July 10th
Physical book: The Rocky Road to Romance
ebook: Virals
Today July 11th
physical book: The Rocky Road to Romance
audio book: The First Part Last, Shrink Rap
W...W...W...Wednesdays #1
To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions… • What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next?
What are you currently reading?
physical book: Mr. Fix It
ebook: Viral
What did you recently finish reading?
physical: The Rocky Road to Romance
audiobook: Kill Switch, The First Part Last
What do you think you’ll read next?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
He Was My Man First by Flowers & Parker
He Was My Man First
By Nancey Flowers & Courtney Parker
pgs 338rating 4stars
From Goodreads:
Valentine Daye is
a product of the streets. Raised in the projects, she lost her father and her
mother young. By fifteen, she was living the life with drug lord Colombo. But
when Colombo and his crew are murdered, Richard Washington, one of Colombo’s
many street runners, swoops in and wastes no time making Valentine his queen.
Nine years later, Valentine and Rich are a happy couple who have weathered some “minor” problems. Valentine is well aware that Rich steps out on her. But doesn’t every man? He always finds his way home. Or at least he did before Vanessa Knight.
Vanessa Knight is a woman who has everything . . . except Richard Washington. An heiress to a multimillion-dollar company, Vanessa is willing to forgive Rich’s flawed background. However, she wants him for herself, and tells him that he must decide what’s important to him—a flourishing career at clothier Jorge Jacobs, where she can make him a VP, or a life with his street past, Valentine?.
When Daye meets Knight, each woman plots and schemes to steal Rich’s heart. Rich must make a decision. Does he gamble and start a new life with the beautiful and cunning Vanessa, or does he stay with his around-the-way girl Valentine, who has been with him through thick and thin?
Nine years later, Valentine and Rich are a happy couple who have weathered some “minor” problems. Valentine is well aware that Rich steps out on her. But doesn’t every man? He always finds his way home. Or at least he did before Vanessa Knight.
Vanessa Knight is a woman who has everything . . . except Richard Washington. An heiress to a multimillion-dollar company, Vanessa is willing to forgive Rich’s flawed background. However, she wants him for herself, and tells him that he must decide what’s important to him—a flourishing career at clothier Jorge Jacobs, where she can make him a VP, or a life with his street past, Valentine?.
When Daye meets Knight, each woman plots and schemes to steal Rich’s heart. Rich must make a decision. Does he gamble and start a new life with the beautiful and cunning Vanessa, or does he stay with his around-the-way girl Valentine, who has been with him through thick and thin?
My Review:
He Was My Man
First is a fast paced book about love, lost, and lies. I had a problem with all
the characters in this book. Let’s start with Vanessa. She comes from somewhat
old money though in my opinion having your great grandfather make a fortune
doesn’t count as old money to me. To those who have “real” old money 3
generations of wealth is still new damn money so what her and her family really
is just a bunch of siddities who have forgotten where they come from. Anyway…she
lost her love to a car accident which she blames herself for. Since then she
has become all about using people to get what she wants. At first, Richard was
just a means to get herself a higher position in the company but then she
starts to catching feelings. All the while, she enjoys what they affair is
doing to Valentine. I have no sympathy for Vanessa. The back story of how her fiancée
died was suppose to stir up some empathy for her character but it didn’t not
work for me. No she wasn’t exactly responsible for his death but her actions
were insensitive and added to the circumstance of his death.
On to
Richard, like some many men out there he enjoys having his cake and eating it
too. Unfaithful and selfish are the two words to describe his character. He’s the
type that likes to have his main chick and have a girl on the side. He says and
does whatever he has to to get over on them including using the word love. What
is sad about men like him is that they usually do have love for the woman they
are dogging out but they love themselves and their wants more.
Now to
Valentine, having a abusive relationship with her first man does tend to make
any relationship after that seem great but her rationale for Richard was
pathetic. She never blamed him for any of the cheating that he did. It was
always the chick fault because hey…men cheat. Even if that is true, one doesn’t
just go along with the program. Men cheat because the main woman tolerates and
the side chick(s) don’t care. If women refuse to deal with infidelities there
would be a lot less of it. Valentine annoyed me to no end. I do like how she
finally got a clue though she had to be put in a situation in order to get it. I
also like the ending. I can’t speak on it without giving it away but there is
never one way to do things and I don’t disagree with the path she chose. TBR
list 2
2012 50 State Reading Challenge
2012 Romance Reading Challenge
Fun and Games 2012:
Bunnita Reading Travel Buggie
Monday, July 9, 2012
Monday Meeting #1
Monday Meeting

The past week:
Upcoming week:
The past week:
- I listened to Until Proven Guilty by J.A. Jance and He Was My Man First by Nancey Flowers and Courtney Partker.
- Schedule 6 posts
- Downloaded audiobooks and ebooks for the Once Upon a Read-a-thon starting today
Upcoming week:
- Once Upon a Read-a-thon
- Write and Schedule at least 10 posts
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Lusting for Covers #1
For some reason I thought yesterday was Sunday so I posted Linger my Series Sunday post yesterday o_O So today I am going to post my first Lusting for Covers post. My cover of choice, it's infor and the details of the meme.
Entice by Carrie Jones
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens (December 14, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1599905531
ASIN: B0062GJS18
Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.
3- Copy the direct link to your own L4C post into the Mr. Linky widget at the bottom of this week's post and allow others to come and see what you picked!
(OPTIONAL): Besides posting the picture of the book cover you chose, it's nice
to provide the book summary, title, author, or a website link for the book. It's
not required, but it can help you readers' to add more books to their own list!
A brief "Why I choose this cover" is also appreciated, but not required.
Also, if you wish to post your links or talk about L4C on Twitter, please use the tag #LustingForCovers so that we can easily find all tweets about it. :)
Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers.
Here's what
you do:
Take the graphic (code for it is below) to use on your post. Remember to give
credit to the original host (TBQ).
Choose your own book cover that you've fallen in "lust" with in the past week.
It can be new, old, a reprint, or even a book that is not yet out-- it's all up
to you! If you find a cover that catches your eye, then showcase it on your
blog, and let others see the pretty covers out there.
3- Copy the direct link to your own L4C post into the Mr. Linky widget at the bottom of this week's post and allow others to come and see what you picked!
Also, if you wish to post your links or talk about L4C on Twitter, please use the tag #LustingForCovers so that we can easily find all tweets about it. :)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
audiobook - mp3
Rating 3 stars
book 1: Shiver book 3: Forever
From Goodreads:
In Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past . . . and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabelle, who already lost her brother to the wolves . . . and is nonetheless drawn to Cole.
My Review:
The best part of this book was the relationship developing between Cole and Isabelle. Again I was thrown by the way the characters speak in this novel. I am not one who think that teens don't know anything about life. Like I have said in a previous post some teens have been through alot in their short years. The teens in this book just seem too adult. Grant the the death of a brother and dealing with werewolves would make one more wise but it still was just a bit to unrealistic for me.
The ending was not a surprise. I knew something like that had to happen in order to keep the series going. What I wasn't expecting was Cole explanation of why Grace was sick. And how they had to remedy her illness. In short, I just like this book better than the first. TBR list 3
2012 Paranormal Romance Reading Challenges
2012 Support Your Local Library
2012 Young Adult Reading Challenge
Stacking The Shelves #1
What is Stacking The Shelves all about?
Tynga's Reviews are all book lovers and the need to share our enthusiasm is sometimes overwhelming. Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
If you’re anything like me, you are probably hoarding books and even though you are excited about your latest book arrival, it might be a while before you get to review it and Stacking The Shelves is a good way to express your undying enthusiasm for those titles!
How to participate?
It’s super easy!
Create your own Stacking The Shelves post. You can use my official graphic or your own, but please link back to Tynga’s Reviews so more people can join the fun! You can set your post any way you want, simple book list, covers, pictures, vlog, sky is the limit! I am posting Stacking The Shelves on Saturdays, but feel free to post yours any day that fits you. Visit Tynga’s Reviews on Saturday and add your link so others can visit you!
Visit other participants link to find out what they added to their shelves!
Last Saturday Stacking The Shelves post on Tynga's Reviews
Books I have waiting:
The First Part Last
The Maze Runner
Heist Society
Friday, July 6, 2012
Follow Me Friday #2
To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:- (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
- (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
- If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn’t have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers
- If you’re new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
Our Feature – Jennifer @ Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance
When did you start blogging?I started blogging in late September 2011, and I still have so much to learn.
What is your favorite part of book blogging?
I love interacting with other book bloggers. I don’t have many friends who like reading, so I have to rely on my fellow book bloggers to chat with me about my current reads, book news, and why I must refrain from clawing Kate Daniel’s eyes out for taking my Beast Lord away from me. I love you, Curran!
Another of my favorite parts has been interacting with authors, both traditionally published and self-published. They are always so sweet and considerate. I just want to hug them all…and then yell at them for killing off the characters I love. I miss you, Kisten!
What is your favorite book(s)?
Well, as many of you can guess by my little outburst above, I love the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews, which is my favorite series by far. Other series I can’t live without include the Guild Hunter series and the Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh, the Hollows series by Kim Harrison, the Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep, the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost, and the Kushiel’s Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey. Some books that I love: Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, Divergent by Veronica Roth, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, and The Host by Stephenie Meyer. Okay, I might have gone overboard on my favorite books but what did you expect, book blogger = book obsession. I can’t just pick one.
What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?
First, the friends I have made. I am as close to some book bloggers as I am to my best friends. Second, the time Jennifer Estep contacted me after she read my review for one of her books. She was so nice. She actually offered to send me some of her upcoming ARCs. Now, I have an interview with her lined up in about a month. She was the first big time author to ever contact me directly, and I still get giddy just thinking about it. *happy dance* Be thankful your eyes have been spared from seeing my happy dance, it’s not pretty.
Q: Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don’t like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place.
Romanace. I never would read romance novels. I thought they were cheesy. Then my friend and coworker started bringing me audiobooks and I love romance novels now. I find that there are books that I can listen to that I probably couldn't get through if I were to read the physical cody.
Follow Me Friday,
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon 2012
Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon
Summer is comming soon! and we all know that means lots of reading time! but Jennifer and I were thinking about what happens when summer vacations are almost over and you still have a Huge TBR pile, so we thought about a Summer Wrap Up Read-a-Thon! Here's the details:
It will take place August 4th-August 12th. It will provide some motivation to finish up all the reading you were hoping to get done over the summer. You can read whatever you want and as much or little as you want. If you can only participate during a few days of the read-a-thon that is okay too. There is no requirement to follow but it's always appreciated. You don't have to have a blog, feel free to follow along on twitter, goodreads, or facebook. We will be tweeting with hashtag #SWUR. You can follow us on twitter for challenge updates but it's not required.
Jennifer @Some Like It Paranormal and I are hosting The Summer Wrap Up Read~A~Thon!
Summer is comming soon! and we all know that means lots of reading time! but Jennifer and I were thinking about what happens when summer vacations are almost over and you still have a Huge TBR pile, so we thought about a Summer Wrap Up Read-a-Thon! Here's the details:
It will take place August 4th-August 12th. It will provide some motivation to finish up all the reading you were hoping to get done over the summer. You can read whatever you want and as much or little as you want. If you can only participate during a few days of the read-a-thon that is okay too. There is no requirement to follow but it's always appreciated. You don't have to have a blog, feel free to follow along on twitter, goodreads, or facebook. We will be tweeting with hashtag #SWUR. You can follow us on twitter for challenge updates but it's not required.
We have a ton of fabulous challenges and giveaways planned. The full schedule will be released closer to the read-a-thon start date. Also at the end we look forward to seeing what you accomplished so we will have a review linky set up after the read-a-thon. You can link up your goodreads reviews if you don't have a blog. It will give us a chance to check out the reviews of what everyone else was reading.
fun and games 2012,
Monday, July 2, 2012
Reading Footnotes
Reading Footnotes, books, places, or people that are mentioned in the book that you are reading.
While reading do you ever research a book, place or person that has been mentioned? I have a tendancy to do so. That is one of the reasons why I love reading. You find yourself learning something new and/or unexpected. All my readers know that I love Harry Potter and the series is a prime example of a book that one can research other topics from.
So what do you do? Do you research or read another book while you are reading the book that sent you to the other one/s? Or do you wait until you finish the book before researching or reading the side books? Or do just read the main book and to heck with the others?
Comments are welcomed as well as links to your blog if you have a post that is similar to this one.
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